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Laurances POV

All of a sudden I felt like I was being stabbed in the chest but there was no blood. "Emmylen"I hear aphmau yell
Before my eyes felt heavy and I fell on the ground I felt nothing only the pain in my chest.
----time skip to when he wakes up 😉--
I woke up in a dimly lit room and many book shelves "Laurance!" Aphmau said trying to grab my hand but then she remembered I was a ghost so she could not touch me "yes my love" I asked getting up slowly. "Oh... Sorry if I'm interrupting something special but I see your awake Laurance... Aphmau by any chance have you told him yet?" Emmylen said walking in the room and placing her books down on the desk "tell me what?" I asked with fear I could feel me slightly tremble. "Laurance I-I don't know how to put this but... Well whoever made you become in a ghost form...created you in a way...-"aphmau said being cut off by emmylen saying "what she's trying to say is that your basically death" emmylen said "let me explain!" Aphmau said before I could process everything in my mind "whoever created you as a ghost made you the center of ... I know this might sound crazy but..the center of death for example if someone dies by burning to death they pass through you and you can feel their pain like you did before you felt that pain in your chest so someone died of being stabbed in the chest. your a path from our world to the after life" Aphmau said. What was happening to my life first I was blind then I died and turned into a ghost and now I'm the path from our world to the after life?! But the only thing I was thankful for was to see Aphmaus beautiful face every day..... My Aphmau

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