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<<<<<<laurances POV>>>>>>
Last night I was staying at aphmaus house in guest room until I snuck out and layed on the fields of wheat and looked up in the sky looking at all the beautiful stars . I closed my eyes to rest until I felt a sudden pain in my chest I the opened my eyes as the pain grew more and more and I saw a diamond sword in my chest and before I could see who was at the end of the sword

Everything turned black.

Until I saw a light brighter then the stars I walked toward the light closer and closer until I saw aphmau I couldn't tell if it was imagining things or if it was real but I saw aphmau in a feild of purple flowers and she then took my hand and we ran through the what looked like a forest of flowers until we stopped in the middle of the field and every thing was just so perfect the sun was reflecting off her face  and she looked as beautiful as ever . Until she pressed her lips against mine pulling me in closer ... I wish that kiss lasted forever . Until the dream ended and everything was black again "we're was my light?aphmau were are you my love  " I yelled still ...every thing was dark

Hi guys it's me hailey (the author )
I almost cried while writing this but anyway thank you guys so much for ready it means a lot to know that people enjoy my story
Thanks for reading
#laurmau4life byeeeee

Dead or alive I will still be hereUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum