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------------garroths POV---------
I felt enraged last night so I went to the tavern with dale we had so many shots that I didn't keep count until I was drunk . I didn't have control of myself and I saw laurance laying in the feild "this is perfect" I wispered to myself I took out my sword and stabbed him in the chest until I head him mutter a few words "I love you aphmau " he muttered and then he was dead silent I took my sword out and fell on the ground "what have I done " I yelled quietly and ran to my room inside the guard tower and looked the door I washed  all the blood   Off of my sword and my face I looked myself in the mirror and punched the mirror with anger and enragement and collapsed in tears while broken glass layed next to me. I heard a knock on the door I opened with my face red it was Dante "why are you crying garroth ?!" Dante said while lifting me off of the floor "d-Dante I messed up big time I-i got drunk and I killed I guy named laurance because aphmau had feelings for him "I said tears in my eyes
"L-laurance zvahl?!"Dante said with a tear rolling down his eye
"Yeah I-I guess "I said
"Garroth you messed up LAURANCE was my friend In meteli " Dante said barging out leaving me in the bathroom

^^^^^^aphnaus POV^^^^^
Before I could run after levin Dante came running up to the crowd and when he saw laurance he callasped "g-garroth what did you do man " he muttered
Dante then made an announcement saying "everyone I have bad news garroth our former gaurd got drunk last night and killed laurance out of jealousy"Dante then pointed at garroth with the evil eye "g-garroth is this true?!" I asked walking up to garroth "ye-" I cut him off by slapping him across his face and yelling "GO TO HELL ,.. I loved laurance." I said with enragement

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