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Life works in mysterious ways first my father dies and now my best friend and my first love doesn't remember me ...I tell myself that every day for 2 months
I've been close with aphmau lately we are now more of friends we kept in touch I visited her from time to time at Phoenix drop she's the lord ... She's growing so much not physically but mentally.
Today is August 13 , today is the day when my life changed rapidly I was sitting in the local park in mateli were all the children played my wyvren urngrith came flying down and dropped a note rolled up with a purple string to hold it closed I opened the more I read it and it said
"Hello laurance I'm heading to the neither to chase after the chicken shamen I sent another letter like this one to my village I sent this letter for you all not to worry about were I have gone .
          ~aphmau "
I folded the letter and put it in my pocket and ran to the nearest neither portal "I'm not loosing her again " I said under my breath. When I got there I ran to inside the castle while fighting off some shadow Knights. I then stumbled upon aphmau with a sword to her neck by a shadow knight. Before the shadow knight could slit aphmaus throat I blocked the sword with my emerald green sword "go...aphmau leave!" I said with all the strength I had
Tears fell upon aphmaus pale skin "NO...laurance I won't let you do this "
She answered "GO" I said with all my might. The chicken shamen then took aphmaus hand and left the neither .making the portal collapse in seconds of time

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