Chapter 10

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Dear you,
Hi, I love you. How are you doing today? I'm ok I guess. Today I decided to tell you how I feel. Yesterday I just found out that my friends aren't real friends. Yes, I cried because I thought they cared about me but they don't. I'm sad of course, all these years I thought they cared. Not that long ago I told my friends I have some thing important to say. I don't go to school, and I feel dumb, I always put myself down because I don't go, but I'm so depressed that I don't go to school. Well they know the reason I don't go, so when I told them in a group chat (three friends) they asked me,'what do you have to say?' And so I told them, 'I'm moving schools and I'm not going to go to the same high school as you guys' and so I told them that and I saw that they read it and they didn't respond. Four days have passed and they haven't even messaged me. So I cried because that told me they weren't real friends. They would have cared or messaged me back. Idk let's talk about something else now. I love you. Your amazing. I want to talk to you and hang out. I'd love to see your smile. :) when I go to school soon I'm going to have enough guts to ask your bestie if he can tell you that I want to hang out with you. Yes this letter is short but wait for the next one, it will be better :). Where do you wanna go if we hang out? Library? Ha, I can't be seen though with a guy or I'll get in trouble. Did I say I love you? Well I do, and I do a lot. Your my world, my universe, galaxy, planet and I'll love you forever. I hope you have a good day or feel better if you were feeling down, I'm always here for you. I care about you I always think of you. I love you, take care, please.
All the love,
                                    You know my name X

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