Chapter 7 horror movies and ice cream.

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Oh boy here we go again Edward said shaking his head.
Well that explains your choice in ..... Oh I dare you to finish your sentence dog!
Geez sorry can't you take a joke?
Amy just crossed her arms and glared at Jacob.
Anyways horror movies are supposed to be scary,but they don't faze me like they used to.
Nessie just looked at Amy, here let me show you what I am talking about but first you need your parents permission. Mommy,daddy,Jacob please!!!!!
Ok I guess but if she has a nightmare she is staying with you Bella called over her shoulder.
Ok sounds like a deal then, Amy led the way to the living room because we were in the kitchen at the time.
Besides I forgot my dvds here anyways , hum let's see here what to watch?
What one do you want to watch Nessie?
How bout this one Nessie said while pointing to one.
Ok are you sure Ness? Yes ok but this is really bloody!
I just stared at my wife, ok then here we go.
She the little girl choose a movie called SAW. Here I'll get us some ice cream yay! Nessie said while clapping her hands.
My wife was right the movie was really bloody.
I never in my life seen a movie before.
The ice cream was good, it was villa with chocolate syrup.
After the movie it was time to head back home so we said our good byes, well Amy did I waved and left to head back to our cabin.

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