Netflix and Chill?

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To get this chapter started, I'd like to give a huge shoutout and thanks to FaythRose  She's not only a fantastic writer, but she's also working on the cover for the third installment of this series. Her writing is amazing- all of you should go check out her stories and leave a few comments and votes, it would really mean a lot.

I'd also like to thank you guys for all the votes and comments; I appreciate them all and a lot of those comments are pretty entertaining. Even though I usually don't individually message you if you've spammed me with votes or comments, please do not think it goes unnoticed. Seeing those motivates me to keep writing, even though sometimes it's hard to keep it up. Thank you!!!

As it turned out, Netflix was amazing. Sam had introduced him to the concept of binge-watching, and they were currently on episode 7 of a show called Burn Notice. At first, Bucky was hesitant of watching a show about a former spy, but after determining there weren't really any triggers for unpleasant memories, the two were all in. The only thing that had been of concern was when the main character had used the term "he was my handler."  Past that, it was surprisingly okay.

After working on their room for a little bit, Steve joined them on the couch and Clint on the chair. The latter had a dark bottle of beer in his hand.

"Just warning you, I cried on the series finale." He said before taking a swig.

"I know, right?!"Sam replied, looking over at him. "Like when he does the thing I just started bawling-"

"Hey, I'm not even through the first season! Shut up!" Bucky complained.

"Sorry," she replied with a sheepish grin.

They got through another episode before tiring of it and deciding to watch something else.

"Clint, any recommendations?" Sam asked, browsing through the selections but not knowing what to watch.

Clint gave an evil laugh before suggesting, "We could always watch Archer."

Steve and Bucky gave each other confused glances when Sam said, "I'm not sure Steve could handle that kind of language or humor."

Steve gave an are you kidding me? look to Bucky, who smirked and took a drink of water.

"Really? She already knows?" The blond asked.

"You really dug yourself a hole there, pal." Bucky replied.

Steve sighed.


Sam looked at the blond skeptically.

"Wait, you're telling me you fought in World War II and you never said anything bad?" She asked.

"You kidding me? It's all an act, always has been. Steve used to cuss like a sailor when we were alone. And don't even get me started on when we were with the Commandos. He had four moods: fu-"

"That's enough," Steve cut off, giving Bucky a look that said he was so done with his shit. They went back to picking something out on Netflix before Bucky coughed, "Thisthatyoume."

That earned a magazine thrown at his head.

Though it didn't hurt, it caused a few unpleasant memories to flash through Bucky's head. He hid the discomfort with a laugh and judging by the reaction of the others, it was convincing.

They really did end up watching Archer, Steve actually laughing at the crude humor. The only bad thing is that it led to constantly quoting it for the rest of the night: when they ordered pizza and Bucky had to get Clint's attention for what he wanted, he yelled, "Barton. Barton. Barton! Barton!!!"

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