Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine.

I was walking down the corridor at school. It was class time, so the yards were empty, but I could hear people in their classes. I was supposed to be in Math, but I decided not to go. I passed an open door to an empty classroom. Maybe I could chill in there? But then I heard harsh whispering, like an argument that they didn’t want people to hear.

“It is unjust,” someone was saying.

“I agree,” the other person commented. I recognized this person as Andrew Langley. “It’s just not good for a boy challenged by such demons to stay here and infect the minds of other students.” I was shocked, horrified even, as the words passed right through me. WTF? Who were they talking about? Not me surely.

“Angus McCall needs to be expelled. Have you got anything on him?” the other teacher questioned warily.

“Yes I believe I have, but it’s risky. If they don’t believe my story it could result in my own sacking,” Langley hushed. THAT BASTARD! How could he do this? Not just to me to anyone. He enjoyed it just as much as I had. And now I discover it was all a plan to get rid of me. Without thinking, and later I came to regret it. I burst into the room and grabbed the two men’s attentions.

“How dare you,” I shouted, “HOW DARE YOU! Challenged by demons? DEMONS? I can’t help the way I was born you ignorant pricks!” and without waiting for their reactions I turned to leave, crashing into the principal.

“What was that you were saying mister McCall?” the evil woman asked, placing her hands on her hips and glared at me.

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