Chapter 1

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I suggest you go read my first book, Never Again, or you'll be completely confused. And if you, for some reason, don't take that advice and read this chapter before the competed book, you'll ruin the ending for yourself.


Riley's POV ~

Niall and Demi were kissing. Wait, no. Full on snogging. In the middle of the Manchester airport. My insides twisted and I felt like I needed to hurl. I was so relieved when Danielle and Eleanor came into view. I started into a sprint as soon as they came out of their terminal. Tears slowly trickled down my face as they pulled me into a hug. "Ni- an- Dem-," I hiccuped, tears streaming harder.

"I know," Dani soothed, brushing down the hair that cascaded down my back.

"We'll keep your mind off them," Eleanor promised.

"It just needs to be April. Then I can stay the fuck away from them," I sobbed, clutching onto both girls for dear life.

"Riley, care to share our girlfriends?" Louis asked cheekily, Liam standing expectantly next to him.

"Fuck off, Lou," I yelled into Eleanor's shoulder.

"Come here, babe," Zayn whispered, grabbing my waist. I collapsed into him, my tears completely soaking through the sleeve of his shirt. So glad I chose not to wear makeup...

"It hurts so bad," I hiccuped. "My heart's on fire, it's so painful."

Zayn comfortingly rubbed his hand up and down my back. I sniffled and pulled away from his soft touch. "I'm sorry Perrie couldn't come," I whimpered.

"You're standing here bloody heartbroken and you're apologising because my girlfriend can't come be with me," Zayn laughed. "Stop putting others in front of yourself for once."

"Sorry," I mumbled, my feet becoming the sudden interest of my gaze.

"Don't apologise," Zayn said seriously.

"Sorry," I groaned. "Wait, sorry! Ugh. I give up..."

A chuckle escaped Zayn's lips as he pulled me in for a hug. "Maybe you should stop talking for a while," he winked.

"Shut up!" I whined, slapping his chest.

The tears had finally dried up when Niall and Demi started walking towards us, hand in hand. I looked at Harry, who sent me an apologetic look. "Fuck my life," I whispered to myself.

"Hi Dani. Hey El," Niall smiled as he approached us. "Long time."

"Yeah, it has been," Eleanor said impassively.

"Hi, Demi," I forced out.

"Hi!" she waved, a little too enthusiastic.

Niall had let it slip to management about my little "outburst" at Demi a few days ago and nicely said that if I told Demi the truth about me and Niall, I'd lose my job. Apparently, they told her I had been a "protective best friend," which was utter bullshit.

Her enthusiasm sickened me, which Danielle picked up on immediately. "Let's go, yeah?" She grabbed hold on my hand and gingerly intertwined our fingers, like best friends usually do. Liam sent her a confused look, to which I took notice of. She whispered, "I'll explain later," and led the group towards the baggage claim.

As we waited for Danielle, Eleanor, and Demi's luggage, Danielle explained to Liam, who seemed oblivious for once, why I was upset.

"I'm sorry, love," he whispered into my forehead, pressing a brotherly kiss to the skin.

wild youth [sequel to never again] // n.h.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora