Chapter 9

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Riley's POV ~

"Please don't leave," I sobbed as Ashton and the boys walked towards the plane's entrance. "I'm begging you, please."

"We'll see each other soon, love, I promise," Ashton reassured me, pulling me close. "I wish I didn't have to leave you."

"I've lost Niall, I can't bear to lose you too."

"I'm not going anywhere," he smiled down at me, kissing my forehead. "Best friends forever, remember?"

"That's what Niall always said," I sobbed into his chest, completely ruining his white teeshirt. "Oh, shit. I'll buy you a new shirt."

"It's okay, your makeup should come out," he laughed, the sound reverberating in my ears. I could get used to this, I thought.

But Niall and you just broke up, my damn subconscious reminded me.

But he's in a relationship so I can be too, I shot back.

"Text me every day, promise?" I asked, looking at him, vulnerability visible across my face.

"Every minute," he winked, kissing the top of my head once again.

"You're the best," I sighed, hugging him as tight as I could. "I'll see you in a few weeks. Then fans can hear your stuff!"

"I'll see you soon," he smiled, kissing my hair one last time. I heard numerous paparazzi click their cameras, but I had gotten so used to it I ignored them.

"Bye," I whispered tearily as I watched all of 5SOS travel into their plane. Paparazzi all around me kept taking pictures, but I pushed past them and made my way back to Paul. "Let's go," I mumbled, wiping away tears.

"Don't go breaking two hearts now," Paul warned as he placed his hand on my back.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll find out eventually..."

• • •

On the ride back to the venue, I asked Paul for my own bus to share with Harry and Zayn, since I couldn't be around Niall. Those two were the closest to a best friend I had on tour since Niall started dating Demi. Our friendship started going downhill after that. The only time he acted like a true friend was when I last attempted and he took me to the hospital.

Other than that, since Diall happened, I've lost my best friend. I started tearing up again as Paul pulled up to the venue. I unbuckled my seatbelt and exited the car before he could notice. All the boys were outside playing football, so they all noticed my teary eyes. Niall went inside the venue as soon as I approached, tears streaking his own face. Liam went after him, mentioning he'd "be right back" and I was stuck with Louis and Harry and Zayn.

"I've lost my best friend," I sobbed, curling into a human ball. I sat on the tarmac with tears rushing down my face, wishing I could erase the past few weeks. Years, even. Back to where it was just me and Niall against the world. Not me and Niall + 4 other boys.

Ashton! :)

Hey(: this plane rides going to be so boring without you. I wish you were here. :(

My stomach started feeling tingly - like how it feels whenever I think of Niall. I couldn't start feeling like this yet - not this soon. I had to somehow get over Niall; it wouldn't be fair to Ashton if I didn't.

To Ashton! :)

I wish I was with you. Then I wouldn't be hurting because of Niall. I wish I could just snap my fingers and be over him.

wild youth [sequel to never again] // n.h.Where stories live. Discover now