Chapter 7

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warning: may be somewhat triggering. I tried to keep the details to a minimum as to not to trigger anyone.

Riley's POV ~

"Don't wanna break your heart

Wanna give your heart a break

I know you're scared it's wrong

Like you might make a mistake

There's just one life to live

And there's no time to wait, to wait

So let me give your heart a break."

Demi's recent single sounded through the hotel suite, breaking my heart word by word. Everyone knew it was about Niall, except Niall. The blonde hair dye must've gotten to his head because he didn't understand why I looked depressed.

"'Cause you've been hurt before

I can see it in your eyes

You try to smile it away, some things you can't disguise

Don't wanna break your heart

Maybe, I can ease the ache, the ache

So let me give your heart a break."

"Can you fucking turn that shit off, please?" I begged. I was close to tears, curled up beside Niall. He tried desperately to comfort me by nothing seemed to be working - not even sweet kisses to my temple.

Louis switched the radio station, successfully turning to the same song. "Will she ever leave me alone?" I screamed, standing up and scurrying to my bedroom. I tossed myself across my bed and soaked my pillow with my tears.

Why did Modest! have to force that goddamn contract? I thought. Why?

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and opened a new message.

To Simon

Is there any way you can terminate Niall's contract with Demi? Because her damn song is all over the radio and I can't seem to escape it. All I want is to be happy and right now, I'm far from happy.

I looked at my tattoo but decided to let myself sink. Sink back into the dark recesses of my depression. Damn Demi Lovato and everything about her.

I fished through my suitcase until I found my blades, forcing the sharp object into the skin on my forearm. I sighed as I felt the rush of endorphins and tears slide down my cheeks. This was it. I had fully relapsed.

Someone knocked on the closed door and I panicked, immediately thinking it was Niall. "One moment," I yelled, shoving the blade back into my suitcase. I pulled down my sleeve to cover the cut and walked over to the door. "Oh, it's only you," I sighed, relieved at the sight of Ashton.

"C'mere," he whispered, reaching for my arm. I gasped as he made contact with the fresh cut. "Riley..." he scolded as he pushed the sleeve up my arm. "You need stitches for this. It's too deep to heal on its own."

"I'll be fine," I lied.

"Listen to me for once please," he pleaded, reaching for my hand. I nodded, tears slipping down my cheeks. He kissed my forehead before he intertwined our fingers and headed towards the living room.

"I'm taking Riley out to lunch," he spoke to the group. "We'll be back soon."

Niall started to say something, but Ashton cut him off, saying, "It's not a date, I promise."

I rolled my eyes at Niall as I felt the fabric of my shirt starting to stick to my cut. "Fuck," I cursed, pulling at the black fabric.

"What's wrong?" Niall was immediately on his feet.

wild youth [sequel to never again] // n.h.Where stories live. Discover now