Chapter 3

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Riley's POV ~

"So Riley, Danielle, and I will share a room," Eleanor started explaining to the nine of us, "Liam and Lou will share, Zayn and Harry, and finally, Niall and... Demi."

"Sounds good," Harry smiled, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. He placed a small kiss to the side of my head as encouragement, but Niall obviously didn't look happy.

"Hey, can I talk to you, Haz?" the blonde questioned, standing from the sofa.

Harry nodded, squeezing my shoulders for a second before following Niall outside of the bus for a minute.

Niall's POV ~

Harry had followed me outside and it took all of my self control to not kill him. "Um, you do realise I'm still dating Riley, right?" I urged.

Harry looked taken aback, but I'm sure he knew this was coming. "Yeah, mate. Of course."

"Then why are you acting touchy feel-y with my girlfriend?"

"In case you haven't noticed, your fake girlfriend is with us right now," Harry spat. "And you haven't done jack shit to let Riley know you still care. She sobbed when she came back. She fucking crumbled to pieces. Dani, El, and I were there to pick them up." I was about to cut him off, but he placed his hand up to stop me. "I know you couldn't have helped, I get it. But Riley needs someone right now and I'm going to be there, since I don't have a girlfriend to cuddle with or Skype with."

"But you guys dated, so -"

"Niall, there are no more feelings between us. Whatever happened happened and we've both moved on. She moved on to you, while I have yet to find someone. But it's just a platonic friendship, I swear."

I took a deep breath to steady myself and held his gaze. "If I find out that anything has happened -"

"You won't. I swear on my mum's life."

"But if I do," I started again, "I will punch you so hard in the balls you will never be able to have kids."

Harry smiled a little, raising his hands up in defence. "Understood."

"Good," I half-smiled back, taking my phone out of my back pocket. "Tell everyone I'm going for a walk, yeah?"

Riley's POV ~

Nialler (:
Meet me outside of my room tonight at 11:00. I need to say a few things. xx

To Nialler (:

Harry climbed back into the bus, sitting on the opposite sofa to Demi. He smiled cheekily at me and pulled me down on top of him, a squeal escaping my mouth.

"Why'd you two ever break up?" she asked. "You two are so cute together."

I looked into the green eyes that once made my heart skip a beat and my stomach flip, shrugging my shoulders. "We realised we'd be better off as friends."

"That's a shame," Demi said sadly. "I totally shipped you two."

"Shipped them where?" Liam joked.

"...thanks?" I responded hesitantly, rolling my eyes at the Wolverhampton lad.

"As much as I loved them together," Zayn smiled, sending a coy wink my way, "I shipped her and Niall together way more."

"Really?" the American questioned. "I don't see it."

Well, it's obvious why you don't see it, I thought bitterly.

"There's just something there," Louis added. I saw Eleanor smack him from the corner of my eye.

"Okay guys, enough," I laughed.

"Where is Nialler, anyway?" Demi asked.

My blood boiled when she said Niall's nickname. Nialler was my nickname for my boyfriend and best friend. Mine.

I was aware that Harry sensed my discomfort because he jumped to my rescue. "I don't know where Nialler is, but Niall went for a walk."

"Do you not call him Nialler?" God, she sounded so stupid.

"That's my nickname for him," I smiled curtly. "I've called him that since we've been little."

"It's kind of copyrighted," Louis chuckled.

"Oh, I didn't know." I wanted to punch her so badly.

"Of course you didn't," I said, slightly rolling my eyes.

Nialler (:
Then come outside.

To Nialler (:

Nialler (:
Please. xx

To Nialler (:

I heard a phone buzz and saw Liam awkwardly reach into his back pocket to grab his iPhone. He looked confused at the caller, but answered anyway. "Hey, what do you need?"

I couldn't hear who was on the line, but Danielle obviously could; I could tell by her change in stature. "Yeah, sure."

Liam looked to Dani, who looked at me. Her gaze moved between mine and the door, obviously asking without words to join her outside. "Riley?"

I looked at one of my best girl friends and groaned internally, realising it was Niall who had called Liam. I lethargically stood, following the brunette outside. "I refuse to talk to him," I mumbled after the door was closed.

"You have to for the concert tomorrow," she reminded.

"No I don't."

"Please," a voice begged, but it wasn't hers. I turned around to see my boyfriend close to tears, my own eyes watering at the sight. "Please talk to me, Ri. I can't remember a time we've ever fought and I really don't want to start now."

My heart ached as Niall took a daring step closer. "I'll leave you two," Danielle stated, opening the door to the bus and disappearing.

"Take a walk with me," Niall begged, offering his hand. I looked down at it, denying it as I crossed my arms over my chest.

We walked around for a few minutes, awkward silence surrounding us. I decided to break it by taking a loud but deep breath. "You promised," I spoke, my voice slightly cracking.

Niall looked confused, so I continued, my voice cracking every so often. "You promised everything would be alright and right now, it obviously isn't. I feel like we're not even together at the moment, like everything between us has been shattered. When I came back from the airport, you didn't come back to the bunks to check up on me. Seeing you kiss Demi tore me apart. There's this massive hole in the centre of my chest and it feels like it's burning - I feel like I'm imploding it hurts so much. Seeing you with someone that isn't me... I can't explain it but it hurts."

"I know how you feel, love -"

"No, you don't. Yeah, Harry may kiss my head every once in a while, but I don't have to pretend to be in love with him. You promised we'd tell Demi. But Modest! always fucking gets in the way."

I closed my eyes, not allowing the tears to spill over; I refused to seem weak. I felt the need to tell Niall about my never ending urge to cut, but I decided against it. I knew that my tattoo would rip him apart, so I didn't want to burden him any more. I took a deep breath and started walking back to the buses, Niall calling out for me. But like for the rest of the week, I had to ignore him.

Once I reached the bus again, everyone was standing by the vans, obviously waiting for Niall and me. I walked up to Harry and peered up at him, my eyes still glassy from the unshed tears. Smiling sympathetically, he kissed the tip of my nose and whispered, "Text Simon. See if he can get rid of her."

I nodded, fishing out my phone.

To Simon
I need a favour, ASAP.

• • •

Niall eventually showed up, his cheeks flushed from crying - although Demi took no notice; she just thought it was from the cold. We all hopped in the two vans: the first one held Danielle, Liam, Harry, and me while the second held her, Niall, Danielle, Liam, and Zayn. It took around ten minutes, with traffic, to get to the back of the hotel. A bellhop gladly took our luggage, wheeling it up to the top floor, where our adjoining rooms were. It was set up like normal adjoining rooms: only two connected to each other.

So, Liam and Louis took the room next to Danielle, Eleanor, and me. A look of annoyance flashed across Zayn's face when he realised his shared room with Harry adjoined to Niall and Demi's room. Sadly, our room was right across from the lovebirds'. Fan-fucking-tastic.

An awkward lift ride later, we were all settled into the rooms, with the door that connected the rooms open. Liam and Louis cuddled with their girlfriends while I sat on the sofa, wallowing in self pity.

I thought over and over about Niall and my relationship that my head started to pound. I grabbed my bag, fetching three paracetamols, and downed them with a bottle of water. I chucked the empty bottle at Louis and Eleanor, who were affectionately rubbing their noses together. "You're making me nauseous," I groaned.

"Sorry," El apologised, grimacing.

"I'll leave you guys alone and find a vending machine or something," I announced, standing from the sofa and stretching. I felt the tape on my bandage pop off, and I figured I'd start the annoyingly long process of aftercare.

I locked myself in the bathroom and stripped my upper body of my shirt and bra. After turning on the faucet and making sure the water wasn't too hot, I wet the bandage, the adhesive lifting right off. I let water run over the script, then gently pat the area dry with a clean towel.

I threw on the shirt, not bothering with my bra since I "didn't have a boyfriend on tour with me that I felt the compulsive need to impress." I mean, my boobs weren't the best, but they definitely didn't look half bad without support.

I chuckled lightly at the thought, then exited the bathroom to find some money for snacks. I grabbed five quid and a key card, leaving the two annoyingly happy couples alone. I took a journey down the hallway, noticing it was empty. Simon probably booked the whole floor or something to keep it private for us. Thanks?

After a few minutes of searching, I found the vending machines. They were filled with chocolate bars, trail mix, bags of crisps, anything you could want. I slid in two quid and pressed 14A, a chocolate bar falling down followed by the sound of change falling. I used the extra change and another one pound to buy a Coca-Cola.

Grabbing the soda, I retreated to the cute lounge area I had passed while searching for the vending machines. I sat down in a chair and pulled my phone out of my pocket, reading the most recent text I had.

Wonderful. It was a group message: Simon, Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and me. Notice the sarcasm.

Hello boys, and Riley ☺,

I will be faxing something over to Paul to be signed as quickly as possible, hopefully by tomorrow. I'm assuming you know what it is, but if not, it's a contract Modest! needs you to sign, saying you won't tell Demi or the world about Riley and Niall. I need all six signatures, or my job could be at stake since I'm your mentor and "you do as I say." Personally, it's not my decision to make regarding Riley and Niall's relationship; that's all Steve and Richard. I'm sorry for the short notice, but if you would please sign them in Paul's presence, I'll give you each a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Hopefully I'll see you soon,

"Oh, fuck me sideways," I groaned, producing the only sound on the floor.

YAY Ch. 3! c:
Riley's tattoo is on the side, in case you were wondering what it looks like.

Please leave your thoughts below. <333

Love xx~

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