Chapter 10

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Riley's POV ~

It was the third day I was on the second bus with Harry and Zayn. Ashton had been texting me constantly, much to Harry's approval. Or so it seemed.

Throughout the span of three days, Harry had become very over protective and cuddly. We almost kissed on three separate occasions and I felt butterflies again when I was around him.

This can't be happening again, I thought to myself as Harry sat down next to me on the sofa. I was currently watching an episode of Psych on Netflix and was trying desperately to pay attention to the plot line.

"I heard you writing yesterday," Harry whispered into my hair as he pulled me close.

"Yeah, me too," Zayn spoke up. "It's really good!"

"Thanks," I smiled, giving up on the telly. I'd just have to watch it another time - when the boys aren't there to distract me.

"It's about Niall," Zayn stated.

"Yeah," I mumbled. "But it's supposed to be a duet.

"I'll sing it with you," Harry offered, squeezing my shoulder.

"Let's practice at the arena then," I mumbled as the bus engine was killed. "Or now," I laughed.

"Okay," he grinned, grabbing my hand. My stomach did somersaults as I grabbed my notebook filled with songs and ran with Harry towards the venue. We pushed the piano directly onto the stage and he grabbed the stool and placed it so we could both sit.

I placed my notebook on the stand and smoothed out the pages. "I'll sing what I have and we'll rehearse your harmony, okay?"

"Yeah," he smiled, placing his hand on my knee.

I placed my hands on the soft ivory and started off softly, playing gentle chords and singing quietly, my whole body moving to the music. Harry's hand started tapping along to the slow rhythm, his eyes raking down the page of lyrics I had written hurriedly.

"This is really good," he complimented as I finished.

"Let's work on your harmonies, yeah?"

• • •

The time for the concert rolled around and I was freaking out. Everything I was singing was about Niall. And it was obvious. Harry knew I was flipping shit and entered my dressing room to calm me down.

I was reapplying my lipstick for the third time as he knocked on the door. I didn't have time to respond as he pushed open the door and greeted me with a hug from behind. "You'll do great," he whispered, kissing my neck.

"Harry," I warned, butterflies attacking my insides. "Not now. Please."

"So later?" he winked cheekily.

"We'll see," I replied nonchalantly, fixing my hair. "Time to go. I don't want you onstage during our duet, so sing in the wings and stay hidden."

"Okay," he smiled as I spun around. Our lips were so close as I smiled up at him.

"Thanks," I whispered, my lips still curled upwards in a smile.

Harry nodded as he bit his lip, contemplating something. But before he removed his bottom lip from between his teeth, there was a knock on the door.

"It's time," Zayn spoke through the wood.

"I'll be back," I spoke, kissing Harry's cheek quickly and softly.

Why did I do that? I wondered as I grabbed my guitar and walked onto the stage.

• • •

wild youth [sequel to never again] // n.h.Where stories live. Discover now