Chapter 2

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Riley's POV ~

Not good enough. Not good enough. Not good enough.

I chanted this in my head over and over, my entire body feeling numb again. I stared down at my wrist, I refuse to sink inked into my skin. At this point, I could care less about sinking; I needed to feel the blade against my skin - I yearned for it. But I knew Niall would realise I cut again, and with Demi around -

I couldn't think about her, I had to think about myself. And right now, I needed to feel some type of pain.

I wiped my swollen eyes and grabbed Niall's jumper, pulling it over my head. I forced my legs to move forward, leading me to where everyone sat. "'m going out," I said, mainly to Liam.

"Where?" I heard Niall question, concern lacing his voice.

Oh, fuck no, I thought.

"Out," I spat, taking Niall's SnapBack off my head and tossing it to him.

"Let me grab my trainers real quick," he spoke, reaching for the shoes by his feet.

"Don't bother. Your girlfriend is here." I continued to be a bitch, but I didn't care at all. If I was mad, I'd let him know. "Haz, can you come?" I asked more delicately.

I saw how those four words punched Niall in the gut. Good, I smiled to myself. I gave Harry a pleading look, one I knew he couldn't refuse. "Where are we going?"

"I'll let you know," I winked, grabbing the car keys.

• • •

We pulled up outside a tattoo parlour, Harry giving me sceptical looks. "Why are we here?" he questioned.

"Because I'm numb and I'd like to feel something," I responded, my voice monotone. "And you'd all murder me if I cut."

"What are you getting?"

"Never Again."

"Riley, you know it's not Niall's fault. He -"

"Harry, stop," I snapped. "I brought you along because I'd like to go back to being friends. Not so you could yell at me."

He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers briefly, until he noticed what he did. He tried to pull away, but I held his hand in place. "Harry, I need someone right now and frankly, you're all I've got."

He pressed a loving kiss to my forehead before smiling at me. "Friends?"

"The very best," I teared up.

"Okay, let's go."

We hopped out of the car and into the tattoo parlour. A young woman came into view at the front desk and smiled at us. "How may I help you?"

"I'd like a tattoo on my ribcage," I replied, pointing to the spot to the right of my breast (AN: think Gaga's anchor tat - it's on the side). I showed her a picture of the script and she smiled.

"I can do that," she responded. "It'll be £75."

I took out my credit card and handed it over the counter. She swiped it and handed me a receipt to sign. "Thanks," she said, smiling at me. She took my design and quickly made a stencil, then led me to a private room, away from the front of the parlour.

I sat down in the chair, Harry standing next to me. I smiled up at him and spoke, "Thanks for coming with me, Hazza."

He leaned down and kissed my forehead delicately. "You're welcome, Ri."

wild youth [sequel to never again] // n.h.Where stories live. Discover now