Defending the Accused

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 Tony's POV

I was leaning against the elevator's cool steel wall, and let out a huge sigh. I can't get the picture of Lila's face when I left out of my mind. She looked crushed, horrified and helpless all at the same time. And as her father, that broke my heart.

Whoah, hold on there Tony boy. Did I just call myself her dad?! Well, I guess on a legal standpoint I was, as me and Pepper were her official guardians, but that didn't make me her dad. She already has a father out there, a real one.

I thought back to everything that Lila had told me and Pepper back in her room. Pepper had come home right after Lila had stormed off to her room, and demanded to know what was going on. I filled her in as quickly as possible, and we both were soon heading towards Lila's room, Pep saying it was our duty as her guardians.

But, it wasn't just that. We may not have known her for long, but we both already cared about her a lot. We went after her as two people concerned about her welfare, not as her babysitters. And then I saw her, curled up crying her eyes out and tremors racking her small body. I just wanted to run over to her and hold her in my arms, and tell her everything was going to be okay, and we wouldn't let the boy downstairs ever hurt her.

And then she started speaking, every word sharp and aimed at our hearts. She flinched at the smallest movements, and looked so tired when she finally let Pepper hold her. I had never seen her so callous and cold, and I knew right then that she wasn't crying over the fate of the boy, but for something that caused her so much pain to this day. I suddenly wish that Fury had had more background information on Lila, because I wanted to know what had caused such a sweet girl like her to fear the slightest contact of human touch...and obliterate it from this earth. 

 As the doors opened up onto Bruce's lab, I was met with three hard stares. And the fact that two of them came from master assassins who could kill me with a toothpick and some chewed gum did nothing to settle my nerves.

"What's with the kid?" Clint asked lazily, but I could see the tension in his shoulders. I ran my hand through my hair with a big sigh.

"She doesn't think the guy's a threat to her, even after I showed her the video." I say exasperatedly as I sink into the nearest chair.

"Well, how do we know that that guy was telling us the truth? How do we know he wasn't just trying to rile us up?" Steve asked, ever the optimist. Before I could give a sarcastic remark, Natasha beat me to it.

"Steve, the second we hear that some crazy killer is on the loose and he's after the girl, we find out that a guy is in the tower with her. Does that sound like a coincidence to you? Do you think he's the wrong guy?" the Russian spits out angrily.

"He's not the same guy." a voice whispers behind us. We all turn around and see that it was Lila who had been talking, a worried looking Pepper in tow. She walks over to us, and perches carefully on the arm of a wingchair, as if she needs to be ready to flee at any moment.

"Oh come on Lila! Are you seriously trying to tell me that we caught the wrong guy sneaking into the tower to come find you? Because if you really think that's true, please, enlighten me with your amazing wisdom." Clint says sarcastically. Lila's head snaps up, her eyes like smoldering coals.

"Will you just stop pointing fingers like a child and let me talk?" she snaps angrily. When no one interrupts her, Lila takes a deep breath and continues.

"What I'm trying to say is that there is no way that Wolf can be the guy that you described because he never tried to kill me. In fact, he hid from me when I first came home. I found him in a closet, scared, confused, and losing a lot of blood. So, I brought him to Bruce's lab to patch him up as much as I could. He had the perfect opportunity. I was home alone, and trusted him enough to help him. And by the way he handled you guys, he could've easily taken me, even with his injuries." Lila smiles wryly at this, but then becomes serious again.

"You guys never gave him a chance. Your supposed to be the defenders of Earth, and now an innocent man shows up at your door, and your just going to turn him away? Even if you're not going to listen to him, listen to me. Please. I know we may not have known each other for a long time, but all I'm asking if that you trust me." Lila finishes her speech, and Pepper gives her shoulder a comforting squeeze.

We al sit in silence for a while, until Bruce walks out of the lab, wiping his hands on a rag. Lila jumps out of her seat, and rushes over to the doctor.

"Is he okay?" she asked worriedly.

"He's stable for now, but the damage was extensive. Lacerations, burns, broken bones, malnourishment, he had it all. I'd read autopsy reports like this in medical school, but this is one of the most severe cases I've ever heard of. I think,... I think he was tortured."

Lila lets out a gasp, her hand flying up to her mouth. She meets my eyes, and I realize what a game changer this is. If this kid was being tortured, that would explain why he escaped from the strange man. He may have been a prisoner, but he was a victim too. I can't just let that go unnoticed. As Lila continues staring at me, I go back to what she told me and Pepper. She needed my trust now more than ever. But, what's the risk of him turning out to be the killer we were warned about? I could never play with Lila's life like that. I stand up, coming to a decision.

"Doc, is the kid awake?" I ask. Bruce shakes his head.

"Well when he is, tell him that he better have a damn good defense ready."


Again, please don't kill me! I cannot tell you how sorry I am about the lateness of this chapter, or the shortness! The good news is that I'm finally moved in, and have Internet, so I can focus again on this! Oh, and a random thought that some of you, but probably none of you, may enjoy! So I was channel surfing, and saw that Ben 10: Alien Force was on. I realized that Kevin, one of the main characters, looks exactly like how I envisioned Wolf! And Gwen looks like Lila, except with straight hair! I would try to post a picture of them to show you, but the site won't take any of my links, so if you really want to see you may have to look up a picture.Okay, now that my nerd fest is over, I'll let you all escape my idiotness. Love you! Mwah!

-Your guilty Author

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