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A/n: I just watched Hai to gensou no Grimgar and I got inspired by Yume! So reader will be a hunter with a bow and double blades for close combat. Also reader will have their eye color change when emotions are heighten. (Inspired by Kurapika hxh) (whichever color you like) enjoy! (^-^)

updated a/n!!: Self-promoting my new DazaixReader book here called Sunset full of life: for those who are new or coming back for another read and would like something new to read after finishing this story <3 check out my page please &thank you! https://www.wattpad.com/945498217-sunset-full-of-life-dazaixreader-welcome-3-intro

It was the start of a new day and you did your usual routine. You would cleansed yourself with either springs or clear lakes that were around the area. You would sharpen your arrows and blades, find something to eat and explore around.

You were a Skye, they were a clan of people who's eye color would change due to their emotions being heighten. The name of the clan was given because of the fact that the sky would have different colors throughout the day and your people's eyes would either be one of those colors when activated. Each person had a unique color but were the only clan to be known to have that sort of ability. It was a very simple name with not much meaning but your people adored the sky and that's how the name came to be. It was something you kept a secret of.

You lived out in the wild where you wouldn't communicate with much people. It's not like you hated them as a whole, just the bad guys that would probably try and sell you if they find out about your eyes. There is a market for anything and everything.

It was a regular day and the sun was finally setting. You were looking for a place to sleep until something caught your attention. You saw a male with long brown hair drag a younger female into an abandoned large house. You didn't know exactly what was going on but it was obvious to you that it was something bad.

You followed stealthily, you learned to quiet down your footsteps to hide your presence. You looked at the window to see if you were able to enter but it had bars that only opened from the inside which made it impossible for you to get in.

You looked around the house for an entrance but unfortunately there was none, just the front door but it was extremely risky to enter from there. You decided to get ready to get in as the thought of the girl being in danger crossed your mind.

As you were about to open it, you hear someone fall down a window. You quickly ran to the side of the house and saw the girl on the floor. The male jumped down following and then quickly pinned the girl onto the wall.  You then decided to grab your bow and shoot an arrow to his leg to minimize his movement.
Your skills in archery were amazing, so as expected you got the hit.

"Argh!" he yelled as he fell down.

"Scum." You approached the male and punched him in the face to knock him out.

"Are you okay??" You asked the girl but once you saw her take her hood off, your jaw dropped at the sight of her hair. It was a beautiful shade of bright red, a hair color you've never seen before.

"Your hair." You gasped as you admired the shade.

"Yeah! I get that a lot." She giggled.
"Oh, thank you sooo much for helping me!" She grinned.
"I'm Shirayuki by the way!"

"My name is f/n! Are you hurt or anything?" You worriedly asked as you noticed the how far up the window was.

"No no, I'm doing just fine. Just a minor cut!" She assured you.
"But I don't have any of my herbs to put on my cut. I just hope it won't get infected."

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