Chapter 6- Close

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After Bran and I make it back to everybody. Lunch is already over. "Hodor. Bring me to the kitchens." Once we reach the kitchens Bran speaks to one of the men and we end up getting a wedge of cheese and two beef chops. We share the food and I feel myself growing sleepy. "Hey y/n?" "Mm?" "Do you remember a lot of stuff from our childhood?" "Some things." "I try to remember more on purpose. When we didn't know anything.." He looks down. "We'll do you want to go to the godswood later?" "Sure!" "Sounds good! I have to go with Maester Luwin for a while. I'll get you when I come back." I Hug him. "Don't be long."
I walk to the den. The fire is crackling and Nymeria is laying down. I smile and pet her big head. I lay down on the sofa and close my eyes, thinking for a little while. I feel myself drift off.
"Remember y/n." My eyes open. I pick a blue winter rose. I am 6 years old. I prick my finger. I admire the red bead of blood on my finger. Fingers as tiny as mine grab my hand. "Does it hurt?" "Yes.." I whisper. "Mother says, if you kiss it..the pain will go away." He gently grabs my finger and brings it to his lips, and kisses it. The sensation of his lips on my finger make me blush. He drops my hand and I look at his bloody lips, then into his eyes. He smiles. He grabs my hand and pulls me up. It feels like slow motion as we run through the woods. "Won't my father look for me?" "He knows us. You won't get hurt." "But what if there's a bear or a moose?" "I'll protect you."
"Come." He climbs a short wide tree and sits on a branch. "Y/ your parents kiss each other a lot?" I nod. "My father says they do it because they love each other." I look at him. "It's like a hug with your lips Sansa says." "But hugs are okay for everybody." "Well so is kissing. ...have you ever kissed anybody?" "No. My mum says that you only kiss someone if you care a lot about them." "Well I care about you." "So I guess it's alright?" I ask. So little. We were so young then. We didn't know what we were doing, so innocent. He smiles at me. "Can I kiss you?" I blush. "Okay." He leans forward awkwardly. Then his lips meet mine. We both draw back within a second. I press my fingers to my lips. He smiles and looks down. "Come on let's go back to Winterfell." And we jump down and head back.

My eyes open and I blink, the memory flooding back to me. It was harmless kid stuff. We didn't know what we were doing. I blush and swallow hardly. I miss being little. So innocent. We didn't understand anything. We were just happy. Running around just being kids. I miss that so much. I remember that day clear as ice. I scramble up off of the sofa and set off to find Bran. "Bran!" He is in his wheelbarrow watching Osha play with Rickon. Summer sniffs Brans hand. "Oh hi y/n we were all going to see you." "I got you first!" I smile. "Can we go somewhere alone?" "The..godswood..?" It came out like a question. I laugh. "Riight. Let's go!" We call for Hodor. He brings us to the Godswood and we sit under the tree. "Hodor. Leave us. Come back within the hour." "Hodor." He leaves. Bran looks at me. "So you wanted to be alone.." I nod. "Any particular reason?" "I want you to try to remember something." He stays quiet to listen. "We were kids. We were fooling around like always. You say you try to remember stuff so try now. Do you remember the day we were running around the Wolfswood? We found some roses..anyway we ended up.." He cuts me off. "You pricked your finger! Yes I remember. You always loved those blue roses." I smile, looking down. "Well after that, we ended up climbing a tree. And sitting in it together. Do you remember?" "Yes." "Okay well do you remember what we talked about? What happened?" He looks like he's thinking hard. "Umm.." I try to think of a way to remind him. "Our Uh..Youd protect me." He presses his lips together. "Love. Because of love. Because you care.." " it's like a hug for your lips..." He murmurs and realization crosses over his face. His eyes flash with it. I blush. Our eyes meet. "I wish were little that tree.." "Shh..." He whispers and stares into my eyes. He holds the ground for leverage. We lean in so close I can feel his breath. The anticipation of how close his lips are to mine makes my heart flutter. His lips meet with mine. I feel a release and my heart flutters. When we part i open my eyes. His are already open and I stare into his beautiful brown eyes. I smile and he blushes. "Hodor!" Our heads snap in the direction of Hodor. Did he see us? Well I suppose it doesn't matter. What's he gonna do? Tell someone? All he can say is Hodor. "Bring us back to the castle Hodor." I smile and follow closely. Bran looks down at me smiling. Then it dawns on me. Robb. I can't marry Robb...I can't. I need to talk to Ned Stark. I sigh and feel the nerves in my stomach.

Summer child~Brandon Stark x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu