Chapter 28- Like Silk and Honey

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A lot of times I've noticed I wish I could've changed points of view for my ideas and the readers point of view just doesn't work. So at times I'll change to 3rd POV to express thoughts of others that the reader couldn't otherwise tell to develop their character more. This will help to the plot line and understanding.

Rickon remembered all of it. He may have been young but he remembered how life was prewar and during. During, it was nothing but harsh. Before, his father left. He was imprisoned and almost killed. He remembered how angry he had been when his mother left. Bran hadn't woken. He and bran needed her. He had refused to cut his hair and it still is the same today a curly mess on his head. I scratched his head in memory. Then Robb left. The war never had a winning side. Everything died down when winter was becoming the true threat. Y/n could see the pain in the youth's eyes. He remembered how he would sleep in his mother's bedchambers once in a while. He could smell her in the furs of the bed. He remembered how warm her bed was. He wished he could run to her now. It seemed like it was nighttime. He supposed it was. As old nan said. This could be another long night. He was much too old to run to his mother's bedchambers. They were always the warmest. He wondered if it was snowing in the South. Rickon hated the South. He wished it was summer. More than anything he wanted to feel the cold breeze and the summer rains and snows. The mud that covered the earth because of the hot springs below the keep. He cried. He didn't like people to see him cry. He had this one chance alone, so he cried. He wanted to feast on summer foods. He'd grown up a lot during the war but he was still a child. So he cried. He wanted to ride his horse. He wanted to play out in the Wolfswood with y/n. He wanted to join Bran on more journeys. He wanted to go to the Godswood and lay against the Heart tree. The winter swallowed all of the sounds and smells of summer. There were no crows. No friendly chatter of the people of Winterfell. No sounds of busied workers. Old Nan had told him of the long night. Children died. Everyone starved. He wept and held onto Shaggy's neck. Shaggy whimpered in response and let Rickon hug him. He had been overjoyed when father had finally paid him some attention at dinner. Jon had talked to him a little and Bran talked to him. It felt like old times. Except now Talisa was there. Talisa was nice, but Rickon much preferred y/n. Y/n, Osha, and Bran were his favorite people. When Rickon finally finished weeping he rubbed his eyes. The young eyes that had seen more than he could handle. Shaggydog reflected his behavior and emotions. And right now, he seemed just as depressed. He had no one to play with. When he was young, he would play with Bran all of the time. Or he would watch him play with Arya. He remembered how they would play fight all through the afternoons. When he Arya and Bran played chase, bran always won. He could climb much faster than the others. The advantage was to run. Never climb if Bran is the one chasing. He rocked in his spot in the corner of his room. He wished Bran wasn't crippled. He didn't mind the work of protecting him but he minded that they couldn't play anymore. But he still loved him dearly. Rickon's biggest issue was always being lonely. Thank the gods y/n was here to stay or he would've been screwed when she left for home. This was home for her now. And he was extremely thankful for it. He did thank the gods for it. Everyday. He decided that since he wasn't allowed outside, there was a limited amount of castle he could get to and no where outside. It was somewhere between lunch and breakfast. So he would visit Jon Snow. Jon usually liked Rickon's company. Everyone loved Bran's company. But Rickon couldn't complain. Bran was sort of like a flame. He was kind and smart. He attracted everyone. He was a great lord. Rickon remembered how well he ruled Winterfell and how the people adored him. He adored him. When Jojen and Meera met him, they adored him. It made him proud that they would've been bannermen together once Robb was lord of Winterfell. He strolled down the hall holding onto Shaggy's scruff. He heard squabblings from behind him and figured it was Sansa and Arya going at it again so he moved on. Once he made it to Jon's room, he walked in uninvited. Jon looked up from the book he was reading. "Hi Rickon." He smiled. Shaggydog ran to Ghost who sniffed the black wolf's neck before settling down again. "What are you reading?" "Something Maester Luwin gave me." He beckoned him over. Rickon gladly crawled onto the bed. "I'm bored." "I know little brother." As if on cue, Maester Luwin knocked on the door. "Jon. I have this for your head." He handed him something. "Looks like Rickon is a bit depressed." He told the maester. Maester Luwin smiled at Rickon. "I've got something for you." He took out a small toy and handed it to Rickon. "This evening you will be practicing with a bow." He smiles warmly and turns to leave. "Tell me how your head ends up Jon." "Thank you." He called.
I stretched as I stood up. I was the last at the breakfast table aside from Jon. I got it all out of him. He needed to vent that's for sure. The harsh words hanging in the back of his mind...I never would have guessed Catelyn to be so rude and blunt. She called him names much worse than bastard. The words that Jon resentfully repeated stung me as they had stung him. But his pain was far worse. He had every reason to drown himself in wine and forget his miseries. "She tells me that my brothers do not want me around them. They'd rather be alone than in my presence. How could that be true? I don't want to believe it y/n. I love them." "And they love you back. She can't bring herself to forgive Ned. She can't forgive herself to not being able to love you. She is pained too. I pity her. But that's no excuse for the harsh things she's said to you. It's unspoken of." Jon's forehead glistened in sweat. He checked behind his shoulder every 2 minutes to make sure she wasn't standing in the doorway, listening to every word he said. He swallowed hard. "The problems we will face in the near future will be far worse than my own now. Winter is here." It was so haunting to know. I craned my neck to the doorway as well, as if a white walker was watching us. I felt bothered. "Let's talk about you now." Jon suggested. He leaned forward with interest. "what about me?" "How are..things?" I wasn't an idiot. Many times girls would whisper about such things. What is it like to bed Tyrion Lannister for example; a dwarf. One girl overheard how it was, from a whore. I even heard of it. Apparently he was quite good. But I held no physical attraction to the man what so ever. "Things are great." I pondered if I should be honest and make a conversation out of this, or be sarcastic and vague. He cocked his head. "Did it hurt?" "Of course it did. Are you stupid?" He laughed. I loved seeing him smile. The Starks had the power to make those around them happy. He cracked his knuckles and leaned back. His laugh was deep and light. Him and Robb shared the same tone of laughter that make you smile whenever you heard it. The laughter was like silk. Calming and smooth. It wasn't too hearty like Robert Baratheons had been. (Or so I had heard.) "you two are so young." "Yes.." I mused. "Do you know what I've noticed? You two go from one thing to another. You speed up everything then stop and don't even touch each other. Then you'll act as friends and nothing more. Then within the next fortnight you're all over each other again." I blush. "It's hard. Young as you say. I'm not ready. But passion gets the best of a girl. I'm naive aren't i?" "In love I'd say. Bran isn't the type to fool around. He wouldn't ever wish to bed another woman. And a woman you are. Young child or not. You're undecided on what you want. Whether to be an adult or a child. It's been pressured upon you both way too fast. I worry for you both. I hope you don't bear children too soon. I can see it. You aren't ready." "You don't miss a beat." I huff. I know he's right. Bran meant it too I realize. When he was speaking to Osha. Neither of us are ready for children. One day, yes. I will bear his children and hold them to my breast. I will raise them as strong Stark boys and intelligent Stark girls. I want to. I really do. But not now. "You love him?" He interrupts me from my thoughts. He doesn't wait for an answer. It came out as a question but he knew the answer. "It's blissful. To marry one you love. You and Robb, you're lucky. Many are forced into marriage. Catelyn.." He cringes. "She is lucky as well. She grew to love father. If she hadn't, life for her would've been far worse no?" I agreed. I was very very lucky. As was Robb. And now they're expecting their first born. A strong son no doubt. Everyone will relish in their achievements over any of the other Starks I imagine. They're the heirs and the fate of the castle. Robb was a born leader. Talisa will do very well as his lady. She will be a great mother too. And since she knows a lot of medicine, her children will likely be healthy and well cared for. It's all happening so fast. Jon really brought these thoughts on. Robb was just a boy. Now he's a man grown. Jon. He's just as much. I hope he finds a woman. I hope he forgets of his worries. I hope he beds a woman and I hope she gives him children. Bastards or not, I don't see it as a burden. I don't see it as a disgrace. Ned didn't and neither do I. Jon deserves to be happy. It isn't his fault. The children will be treated well. However, if Bran ever did bed another woman and she birthed him a child, I would be as heartbroken as Cat. That's why I pity her. In her shoes, I'd fall into a depression. I couldn't imagine loving the child. I would try with all the strength I could muster but I know it'd have no prevail. Catelyn seemed so unsure whether she wanted Jon dead or alive. Here or not. She half the time wanted him gone; the other half feeling sorry for him and wanting him to live. I loved Jon. I really did. He's like a brother to me. I trust him with anything. "Bran's sweet you know. He's special. Catelyn adores him." "I can tell." My gaze flickers back to Jon's dark eyes. "She worries about him." "I know." I smile. "He's very special. I can't describe it. Everyone here loves him. Adores him." Jon smiles. "Hard not to. He was always a sweet child. Kind hearted and a great leader. Forgiving and smart. Honorable. I feel so bad for him. I used to feel worse for him. He wanted so badly to be a knight. But you make him happy y/n. He loves you so much. You don't see it but he's always there. He's always watching you, adoring you. He talks about you nonstop. And somehow, I can't let myself get annoyed. It's too warm to." I feel my chest flutter similar to the way it does when Bran kisses me. My heart swelled in thought of it. I wanted to love him tonight. I ached for him. He's beautiful. Inside and out. He's perfect. I must've gotten lost in my thoughts because Jon smirks. I could feel my cheeks burn at being caught. He knew very well what I was thinking. But how could I help myself? I wanted to enjoy my time with Bran until it's too cold to move. When those days come I'll lay with bran. Keep warm next to him, skin on skin. It's a fantasy but it's my plan. I remember the first time too. I never want to leave his side. His warmth was so inviting and comfortable. Except for the small worries probing me when I thought about it too much, winter seemed unable to get us when we were alone. Late night conversations in the furs, close to him. It's the best thing I could ever ask for. I yearned for him. "Go run to him. Me and Ghost have a couple errands to run around the castle." He gives me a knowing look and I give him one back. "Before the white walkers come right? Every chance I get." I blush and we both laugh. "Before we freeze to death. Before things get bad. Frightening. I want to be happy." He smiles. "Me too." And Jon left first. "What errands do you have?" He pauses. "I just want to get Ghost something to eat. And grab a book maybe. I'd much rather relax in my room then be anywhere near Cat." And I understood. From every side of things I understood. Like a raven watching the Direwolf I didn't register in the corner of the room, knowing everything, I understood.

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