Part 47????? Update

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Hey guys! I obviously haven't updated in forever. It naturally happens you get writers block and never find motivation for an old favorite. Well basically I'm asking if anyone is reading this story still and wants me to update? If so I will finish the book.
I am going to take you all on a journey for a moment here okay? If you don't like updates, you can just answer my question in bold in the comments :)

Okay so about a year and 4 months ago, I began to binge watch this amazing show we've all come to know and love. As life goes, you expand your interests, find new obsessions. My followers will clearly see that I have changed my name from snow queen. I am very very interested in Once Upon a Time. I still love game of thrones, but while I wait a whole year for a new season, it tends to lose its charm. So about a year ago I wrote a story due to my crush on a certain special character. I loved the story and had so many ideas. However, what was updating daily, became once a week, once every other week, once a month. I ran out of ideas and I ran out of interest. I felt that I never wanted the book to end but now I've decided that it deserves a nice finish considering I've put so much time into it and I don't wish to delete it. Therefore if people are still reading it, this early summer I will take the time to read over the whole book, and reminisce. Then I will find out from my own ideas and your suggestions what a suitable ending to this fanfiction would be. It's no novel or book here, it's simply a fanfiction x reader. So for all the current and future lovers of Brandon Stark or Isaac Hempstead-Wright, I'll keep this story of mine for them to read no matter how I feel about GoT in the future.

Summer child~Brandon Stark x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu