Chapter 8

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This one's for all of u who have continued to read so far.... I appreciate it. :)

Lets see how James apologizes to Olivia. That's if he's able to put his ego aside. :P

Who should play Will? 

There's a bit of James at the start (I hope ur not tired of him!) But Livvy is in the rest so....

Read on ....... :)


James woke up at seven in the morning with a blistering headache and a curse on his lips. In fact, there were several curses on his lips, all directed at the miserable cur that was Conrad Brighton. Remembering the way that the bastard had drank him under the table, his anger instantly tripled. And so, unfortunately, did his headache.

James had never been much of a drinker. Though right now, with the bright morning light blaring through the windows, damned if he could remember why. Ah, maybe because of Connie's propensity to make him spill all his worries over God knew how many whiskeys!

True to his word, as soon as they had left The Albany, Connie had started badgering James about his fight with Olivia. James had blatantly refused to say anything on the subject and surprisingly, or rather, suspiciously (as James would have realized if he hadn't been so relieved that Connie'd dropped the subject) , suggested they forgo the social scene and go to White's, a suggestion that James agreed to enthusiastically.

Upon arriving at the club, Connie spotted George and went to invite him to join them, telling James to ask the manager for a private room, which he obtained easily, and as soon as he went to get a drink from the bar, both his friends marched in with identical grins plastered on their faces.

"Get us both a whiskey, won't you Jamie?", said George, still grinning as he set up for a game of cards. "What's got you both in such high spirits then?",James scowled at the two of them, causing them to drop their smiles instantly.

"Oh don't be like that Jamie.", it was Connie who spoke this time. James was instantly contrite. Just because he was angry did not mean he could take it out on his friends."I apologise for being such a grouch. It's just that things haven't been quite cheery for me lately and-" he was interrupted by George.

"Is it that Olivia chit, then? Connie was just telling me about her. Or rather about your obsession with her. You can't possibly be thinking of marrying her, James? The chit's an Original. Damn female argued with Weatherby about the Poor Law Amendment Act. Said that he ought to have more sense than to support such nonsense . Poor Weatherby almost had an apoplexy, if the colour of his face was any indication. Thankfully they had been at a very private dinner party, so the hostess hushed it all up. I only know about it because I was there, and the hostess was my mother! Now would you consider marrying the young Lady?"

Personally George admired Olivia's pluck and determination. Most young ladies were ignorant about politics and the like, or simply feigned ignorance, but Ms.Wynter had spoken her mind to the arrogant Lord, one more quality that the young ladies of the ton did not have. But he and Connie had come to the conclusion that giving James reasons about why she was unsuitable would make him spill his true feelings, since he wouldn't answer any direct questions, stubborn ass that he was. 

And he was glad to see that his words did just that. "So you would prefer to marry a chit who does nothing but talk about the clothing she has, and then goes and buys some more? Forgive me if I would rather prefer someone with a proper functioning brain! And as for Weatherby, the ol' sod-", his tirade was interrupted by George once again, who admirably , kept a straight face, while he said,"So it is her! Now tell us why she won't speak to you."

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