just me

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My name is angelic (an_gel_eack) ,but you can call me angel .(only people that are close to me call me angel ).most people just call me fatty or whale i know what your probably thinking why do you take so much crap from everyone well lets just say im not the loudest wolf in the pack. im more of the shy type so i dont stand up for myself what so ever.i no what your probably thinking , arent wolfs supposed to have courage and not take any mess well im different and the difference between me and the rest of my pack is i care about others feelings but they dont so i try to keep to myself. i mean my family hates me .They beat me in front of the entire pack . but its not like my pack doesnt try to hurt me anyway. the only people that truely love and care about me is maggie my best friend and her family and my brother romulous (but everyone calls him rom or romeo ) mate karens brother tyresse ( i think he is gay but just doesnt really want to admit that to anyone he wont admit it even to himself but i dont care what gender you like its about if ur a caring person to me.)and those are my only real family . and if your wondering why my blood parents hurt me it is because they wanted a boy instead of a girl so they hate just the sight of me. i know what your thinking now to what are they so evil . well i can answer that . because my father is the beta that means his son will be passed the beta and because im a girl they wont be able to be a the family of a beta . but news flash people i didnt choose to be a girl. but i guess they dont really care now do they no .if your wondering why im talking to myself then let me explain that its not only one person living in this body (my wolf) and we talk alot . 

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hey guys and girls i no i just left you guys hanging for a while but i have been really busy please forgive me for not writing .thank u and i hope u like the story . one last thing please give me feed back by commenting voting or following me and message me thank u i would really appreciate it.             -a girl

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