love , lust ,hurt

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His eyes are so beautiful i could look at them forever and just get lost in them but he isn't looking in mine he is looking at the class sadly. then i hear the most amazing sound ever . he cleared his throat .

"Hi" i say he just nods. well that hurt isn't your mate supposed to love you and hug u and not want to ever let go . well i feel the love. i feel rejected. so i look down.

"Your the new student am i correct " i just nod not sure if my voice is steady enough to sound like im talking and not whispering.

"Answer me ,and look at me when im talking to you" he says in a authority type voice and all i want to do is cry and submit . because he yelled at me my mate the one who is only supposed to yell at ppl because they yell at me but no. So i look to the crowd of students looking at me in there seats . And some are trying there hardest to not laugh and the rest just have evil smirks except a few. so i look away and back away and before i know it im running out of the class room.

"Im sorry mate did that. but at least if he rejects us you have me still" my wolf says in my head.

"Thank you" i say and cut off the link . i wonder what to do now i mean its a new school and i don't no where to go so i walk around

Sorry for the short chapter and not updating often lately been having family problems and I just  edited it  and im gonna update again tonight. i love u all 47 likes yay. u guys made my day .

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