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She was late for their flight. Like she was late at all other important events. How could she be so careless to get so lazy and oversleep inspite of knowing that she had a flight to catch? Things had changed extensively after her break up with him. She was different. She wasn't the 3 years back wali Nandini. She was a different persona altogether . USA had helped her a lot in changing herself.

Things had begun after his break up with her. He was the first person she had loved so hopelessly. Does the tense make a difference ? Yes it does.. Her love was unrequited for a very long time and when he had actually started showing her signs of acceptance , things had gone haywire, resulting in their breakup.

She had to shift to the United States after completing her 10th grade , for it was her dad who had to shift due to his business. But then, fate had something else in store for her..Immediately after a year of shifting over there, she had lost her parents to an accident.

She was heartbroken after that.. Things took time, but she had managed to gather herself around and show that she had still managed to stay strong despite being so weak inside. She wasn't full of hatred, she was afraid of attachment. The person she had fallen for in school was the person who had left her for another girl..And her, being the meek girl that she was, had let him go. Her parents, her only potential support in this world were no more. Her grandmother didn't have any strings attached to her..Her relatives, were scattered in different parts of the world and her family hardly socialized so she had never really got the chance to interact with any of her relatives.

Everyone, but Navya.

After lots of persuasion, Nandini had agreed to come back to India with her best friend, Navya. She was a jolly girl of 18, and had been a great emotional anchor to Nandini. She was staying in the United States since seven years, but now had to return back to India as she wanted to complete her degree over there. Navya had somehow managed to convince Nandini in a filmy way, about how India was her country and about how she should consider getting back to her own home ground and finish her education over there. Nandini didn't want to go back there, for the country reminded her of her horrific past and the fact that she had no one to go for there was like cherry on the cake.

It had taken a great deal of time for Navya to convince Nandini to come back with her, and finally Nandini had agreed. They were going back to Mumbai.


"I love you Alya...I really do. Please don't do this." Manik yelled for the umpteenth time .

"If you really did , you wouldn't have kissed her Manik !!" She shouted in retaliation. "You know what? All this while I kept ignoring your flirtatious behavior thinking ki chalo Manik loves me and only me ! But you want me to overlook the fact that you kissed someone else ? "

"Alya..please.." Manik requested her while she heeded towards the door.

"Manik, ek baar just look into my eyes and say that you love me." Just when Manik had lost all hopes of reconciling with her, she said this. His eyes slowly darted towards her , as he tried saying the first letter....

Look into her eyes Manik. Into her eyes.

He couldn't do that.

He couldn't meet her eyes and say that he still loved her.

What was he doing with his life man? This was the girl he apparently loved and he was cheating on her !

But did he really love her ? Did he?

"I got your answer Manik. The time I spent with you is memorable, but maybe we are just not meant to be." She caressed his hair one last time and left.

He was heartbroken. What had he done ? He loved this girl genuinely !! Atleast he thought so. But why couldn't he say the same to her ? He knew he had made a mistake by kissing Soha sometime back, but that was just a mistake.

No, not just a mistake perhaps. A voice from his brain barged in.

This girl trusted you ! And instead, all you gave her was pain. She gave you zillion chances inspite of you being such a jerk to her each time and you ? You just ruined everything. His brain continued with its inspirational speech.

But what about him trying to save the relationship each time ? It was her who had so many problems with him always !! The heart was now taking charge.

It was true indeed. Each time they fought over some petty issue it was Manik who would come and say sorry to Alya and NEVER the other way round. He felt answerable to her. She was the only girl he had ever apologized to. But wasn't she the one he loved ?

He was confused. He was being such a jerk. He shouldn't have initiated the kiss in the first place !

You're a jerk Manik. He reminded himself and threw a vase on the floor. That's how he vented out frustration, and because of this one mistake, the person who was closest to him was gone ! Far away from him.

Okayyyy here goes the prologue. I thought I would remain off writing but I can't. I wanted to actually write the prequel of finally found you but for a change thought of writing something on MaNan.

This story is loosely based on a real life situation... And its gonna be a little intense...I can't promise regular updates for this one, nope not at all...As I'm super busy and the updates would be a little short, but hopefully you'll like it :)

Okay bye. :P

MaNan FF: Falling For The Detached OneWhere stories live. Discover now