Chapter 10: A Visitor From Past

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It was a bright and sunny day. I had decided to wake up and go to the college on a good note and not let any xyz person irritate me. I didn't need anyone to control my mood swings ! Quickly I made a toast for myself and drank some milk and rushed to the college, wearing a white top and a pink skirt to go along with it.

When I entered the college, I noticed people frantically running here and there for preparations. Doing this, doing that. I was least interested since I was pretty new and I wasn't there in the cultural committee to begin with.

I was in the auditorium when I noticed this maniac like behavior by all the students. SPACE, I must say had a bunch of organised people in its cultural committee. They were working to get things right on time, I reckoned and the decorations looked pretty nice. I was just absent mindedly walking inside the audi when I collided with someone.

A woman. She actually carried a paper glass with coffee in it and it took me a nanosecond to realize that due to me, yes, entirely due to me , the coffee was spilt on her dress. It looked pretty costly ! Shit. This was scary.

The same woman whom I had, seen on my first day in the college. The hoity toity businesswoman who was lecturing the principal on how things needed to be done on time. She looked very young though.

"I'm sorry ma'am." I apologised to her, getting a snooty expression in return.

"What the hell is this ? Can't you see where you're going ?" She yelled. She looked down at her dress which had stains of coffee all over the upper part and some of it was dripping as well. I didn't like her tone, but nevertheless she was senior to me so I had to behave and think twice before yelling back.

"I'm sorry." I repeated , just to get another crass expression from her side. What could I even say apart from this?

"Do you see this ?? This dress?" She pointed towards her costly dress. "It's an exclusive piece from one of the top showrooms in Paris. And what did you do ? You just bumped into me and spoilt it ! Do you think a sorry can fix anything ?"

Well I was sorry ! Shit happens. Why was this woman making such a huge deal out of it ? Duniya mein ek hi dress toh nahi hai ! Get another piece !! Why so much of ego?

"Ma'am, I can understand it's difficult for you but you can just wear something else." I tried sounding as polite as ever. I anticipated that this wouldn't increase her temper but it did.

"Look at the guts of this girl. " there was so much of sarcasm in her voice. "In spite of making a mistake she has the audacity to advice ME ! Nyonika Malhotra ! "

Malhotra ? Manik's surname is Malhotra as well. No wonder he's got similar characteristics .

"Nyonika !" A deep voice interrupted our whatever kinda conversation. Now what was he doing here ? Aiyappa why do you make me see his face every morning ?

He walked over to us and I was saying silent prayers so that I could stay out of trouble . Since Manik was here no one could really guarantee that trouble bit.

"Manik, why do you need to intervene ?"

"No one tells me what to do and what not to, Nyonika. I would prefer if you mind your own business instead of yelling, or should I say showing off your status to a student." He said. Wow this guy had some guts ! Speaking in such a straight tone with a higher authority like the woman standing in front of me. I was impressed. How old was she ? 25 or 30?

"That's not how you're supposed to speak to me Manik." She replied. All the attitude had vanished off her face and she didn't seem to quite like it when he handed over a earful to her.

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