Chapter 20

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"We should leave now. It's late and we have college tomorrow." I said. Manik had got us "bhutta" . When I was young my parents never encouraged eating anything apart from home cooked food so I never tried anything else , and that's why always stayed totally healthy. But Manik getting something to eat was particularly what I couldn't refuse. It was tasty, I secretly hoped I could get to eat it really often, with him.

"So soon?" It's just 11 pm now. He said. He was probably inexperienced in the "early to bed" department.

"Manik, you should sleep early you know." I mused. He, reluctantly agreed.

The ride back to my home was pretty silent. All I could do was look alternately in both right and left directions, for the scene to my left was the beautiful nightlife with a pretty heavy downpour and the one to my right was the person who was actually finding it pretty easy to have a nice hold over my feelings.

After around 30 minutes, it stopped raining, and the engine of Manik's car surprisingly stopped as well. "Crap" he muttered and got to the engine to check its status as if he was totally experienced.

I saw Manik doing something or the other , or at least trying to, with the engine, but to no avail. I stepped out of the car only to receive a negative reply from Manik.

"My mechanic genes won't work as of now." He sighed. " We can walk, if it's okay? Your place is not very far I presume." He proposed.

I nodded. " I guess 15 minutes walking."


"Your college is pretty modern , I must say. Navya told me that rose day has been there since Space Junior College.." I said after a while.

"The rose day concept is useless Nandini. It makes no sense."He said.

"Why are you so against the rose day ? It's a cool concept to make out who the most good looking people in college are. It's a little weird but it's cool for bimbos."

"Exactly. Cool for stupid people. Most people just hand over a rose to someone they think looks good."

"You can't change the mentality of majority Manik. If you look good, you win the prize. That's what most people believe in."

"Yeah, looks matter a lot, until one starts speaking."

"Not at all times , there are intellectual people who look good and talk reasonable stuff."

"Like yourself?" He asked, and I gasped.

"Why would you say that?" I asked. I wasn't used to receiving compliments at all. I didn't know how to take them in.

"Because, you're. There's no reason as to why I said that."

I stayed silent for a while, as I let pass through myself, a feeling of utmost satisfaction. I replayed his spoken words after I spoke about 'some people looking good and speaking good' . I had this unknown ecstasy crossing me.

"You're ... you know..." He stammered, breaking my chain of thoughts. "Really beautiful. That's why I gave you the rose today. Because, you're beautiful in totality. I've never met someone like you."

I gasped again, pretty sure he didn't notice that, but this sudden change in his attitude since few days was both appealing and shocking to me. We were on good terms, inspite of having argued over petty issues in the past , but that , I presumed , didn't get the better of us, for we stayed undeterred as ever, and our equation really stayed where it was, just being little more sweeter from his side . I, for a matter of fact never expected him to behave this way towards me. But he did, and it was pleasantly surprising.

MaNan FF: Falling For The Detached OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora