Chapter Seventeen (Part 1)

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Rin woke back in her original chamber with a faint headache and a foul taste in her mouth. She rolled over and touched her temple. The last thing I remember was the witch coming into the shrine dressed as a priestess. She sat up and looked around the room. The chamber she had been staying in for the past few weeks looked all but the same. She ran her hands through her dark hair. Her hands shook. What will I do about Shin? She knelt on the futon and crawled over to grab a robe that had been hung over a screen in the corner of the room. She slid it on. It felt good to dress herself again. I suspect the servants are too terrified of me to even try to come attend me. That suits me fine.

She went barefoot out into the adjoining garden. She inhaled deeply the decaying scent of leaves on the ground and the dirty water of the pond. I thought I would never leave that place.

She raised her hands palm up and let the wind twine in her fingers. She inhaled and exhaled, trying futilely to access her fox fire. It remained locked away, as good as extinguished by the witch's vile spell. She opened her eyes and stretched her mouth open into a scream, but no sound came out. All she managed to do was strain her throat from trying. She flung her arm in an arch and her hand collided with the tree. The pain was bright against her skin. She looked at her blotched red skin with disdain. The pinpricks traveled along her flesh, reminding her of her mortality. The scab on her arm broke open and bled anew. Now all I have is a sore hand for my troubles.

"Lady Nishimori?" Hikaru called from beyond the veranda.

She did not turn around. She would rather have a moment's peace. She was beginning to wonder if the witch would ever turn her back. She uses me as her puppet. I doubt I was ever meant to break this spell.

He stepped into the garden, his sandals clacking on the cobblestones as he approached her. She held her breath. She knew she should be putting on a smiling face for him, doing her best to seduce him and break the spell, but she just didn't have the heart for it. When he had looked at her with fear and damnation the night Shin killed the guard, something inside her snapped. She had not realized how much she had come to care for him until his affection was taken from her.

"I'm sorry to bother you. I wanted to see how you were feeling." His address was formal and full of uncertainty. He knew he had hurt her and he was sorry for it. It would be better if he went on fearing me. What future could we possibly have together?

She waved her hand in a dismissive gesture.

He exhaled. She imagined he was wringing his hands together, searching for the words to say. He was probably staring at the ground in that charming insecure way of his. She glanced over her shoulder at him, just a peek. But instead of avoiding her gaze as he had done so many times before, he watched her. His expression was difficult to define. It was hungry, and she felt her own feelings reflected there. She wanted him more than she should. It was not just an infatuation; this was stronger than anything she ever felt before.

"I wanted to apologize for how I acted before. I should have tried to understand, but instead I ran away." He frowned but did not look away. "It was shameful. I did not even give you a chance to explain." He pleaded with his eyes. He wanted her to tell him that she was human, that she had nothing to do with Shin's actions. But the truth was if she had not brought Shin into this household, that warrior would be alive. It was her fault.

I should let him go now, his brother can work to my purpose, and I won't run the risk of breaking any hearts. She raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms over her chest, playing at being upset with him.

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