Chapter Twenty-Two (Part 1)

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Hikaru paced the length of the chamber. Every so often, he went to the door and rattled it with the fruitless hope that it would open. Even if it did, there were guards outside, waiting to cut him down if he tried to escape. He ran his hands through his hair, pressing his fingers against the scars on his scalp. I am half Kitsune. His new reality had yet to sink in. He dropped his hands to his sides. He should have known Hotaru would try something like this. He had always resented Hikaru's place in the household, and Hikaru had been too blind to stop him. And that's the problem. I knew he was ambitious. I knew he had no love for me and I still did nothing to stop him. If I were a better leader, I would have been able to prevent this. This is my fault. He ceased his pacing. He could see the silhouettes of the guards outside his door. Hikaru never wanted to be a leader; that responsibility had been thrust upon him. Perhaps it will be better if I never become elder. If Hotaru lets me live, that is.

The guards talked together in low tones, their voices like a distant hum, the background to Hikaru's tormented thoughts. Then he heard a familiar voice mixed in with the other two. Curious, he crept closer to listen to their conversation.

"Lord Hotaru has asked to see the prisoner," Captain Sadao said.

"Can't imagine what good it will do. He's destined for the afterlife," replied one of the warriors.

"You will show respect; this is our lord's brother."

The men bowed; Hikaru could see their shadows through the door.

The guards moved aside. Hikaru backed away, looking across the barren room for some sort of weapon. He would not go without a fight. Rin needed him. He needed to protect her. If his brother had moved against him, then he might try to capture everyone that was close to him.

The door slid open and Hikaru, defenseless, squared his feet and prepared to rush the door. But the captain came into the room and shut the door after him. Every muscle in Hikaru's body tensed. As a matter of posturing, Hikaru raised an eyebrow, hopefully to taunt the captain into action. Not that the captain seemed anything other than composed.

"Follow me," the captain said.

Hikaru stared at him for a moment, trying to assess if he could fight him and win. The answer was a resounding no. If the captain could best his brother, then Hikaru might as well be a fly. He decided to switch tactics. "What does my brother want from me? He's already taken control of the clan. Does he expect me to accept an honorable death by my own hand?" he said, with a self-depreciating tilt of his mouth.

The captain said nothing. He slid the door open and commanded the guards to leave. Then he gestured for Hikaru to step out first. Hikaru did so with some hesitance. Glancing down the hallway, he formulated the beginnings of a plan. He might not be able to outfight the captain, but he could surely outsmart him.

He headed towards the elder's chambers, but when he did, the captain stabbed a finger in his back. "Not that way."

"The elder's chambers are that way." Hikaru pointed in the opposite direction the captain had bullied him into. Is he onto me?

"They are."

Hikaru went down the hall, his heart hammering in his chest. The servants that passed them would not raise their heads. He felt as if he were on a death march. He bided his time until his chance came at last. A servant carrying a platter of food came from the opposite direction. Hikaru hurried his pace before the captain noticed. He grabbed the servant by the shoulder, spun her around and grabbed the platter from her. He tossed the platter and bowl of soup at Captain Sadao. Hot broth splashed his face as Hikaru used the momentary distraction to run.

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