Chapter 25

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5:31 am. I'm driving down a lone road with Hunter in the passenger seat. I'm taking him to the Airport. He needs to be back in Orlando, for something, and I'm not holding him back.

The car ride was silent. The only sound there was, was an old Cd I had in my car.

Hunter would keep looking at me, and I'd occasionally look at him.

"Man, it's going to be weird not seeing everyday," he suddenly said.

"Yeah," I answer, as I move my hair away from my eyes. I had a good view of the road, as I turned into the main road, where three cars passed me.

"I'm sure everything will be fine. Things will get better, Nate. I promise." He told me.

"They already have. I spent a good 4 months with my best friend. Found a dog in a trash can. Ran away from my Ex, and you know got beaten by someone who wanted my money." I said to him. "Some fun times."

He laughed as he looked at me.

"Hey, maybe you should start playing again." He said to me.

"Start playing what?"

"Guitar." He said. "Don't let an amazing talent slide like that Nate, you matter. People are actually worried about you."

"How do you--"

"I've been keeping an eye on your YouTube comments, so many people are worried about you. They care."

I look away for a moment, moving my hair away from my face again.

"I don't know, Hunter, I--"

"Music is you're happiness, Nate. Every time you picked up that guitar when we were in the hotel, you actually looked happy. You need to play again. It's who you are. It's who you've been for your entire life." He told me. "You can't let you're talent slide Nate."

I didn't look at him, my gaze was on the dark road in front of me.

"But I can't." I say.

"You can, though. You're telling yourself you can't because you're scared. You can still do everything you wanted to do. You just have to have faith in yourself."

I looked over to him for a brief second. Two more cars passed me, and I didn't realize my hand had turned the Steering Wheel a little to the right.

"O-Okay." I sighed, with a small smile. "Hu--"

Suddenly, Hunter's hand gripped my arm tightly, causing the Atmosphere around me to become Dangerously alarming.

"Hunter, what-- He--" I glanced confusingly to him, his eyes wide and frozen with terror.

"Hey Nate -- Nate! Look Out!"

As soon as he yelled, time seemed to go in slow motion. I turned my head, eyes wide in surprise.

My foot left the acceleration pedal at some point, moving over to onto the brakes. I couldn't hear the Screeching of my Cars Tires... Everything was silent.

The Transport Truck slammed into my car Head-On.

A piercing 'Crunch' rang through my ears, and my head was thrown forward into the wheel. The car suddenly felt lightweight and I barely had enough time to see that we were in the air, roof of the car facing towards the asphalt about 7 feet below.

The car veered right, and before I knew it, we had hit the concrete and we were rolling. Shattering of Glass and Various Crunching noises Deafened me.

My heart was pounding with Adrenaline, and fear. And though I could the impact of debris, and car metal piercing through my skin, I couldn't feel any pain.

After a moment of rolling, I hear a loud snapping noise and I landed hard. Something snapped, but I couldn't tell what it was. I couldn't feel anything.

Groaning quietly in pain, my eyes darted around the area, to find that Parts of my car, and Concrete littered the road around me.

Blood was dripping off my lips, and I felt the same warm liquid pool at my head, and around my Shoulder.

I rolled onto my back, and everything reverted back to normal.

Everything was blurred and my body was completely numb. I could hear blaring Sirens somewhere in the distance, now realizing they I got myself into a car Accident...

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