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"KAYLA!" I screamed as I slammed the door to my house. I knew my parents weren't home because there weren't any cars in the driveway. I had art club after school today so I knew she'd be home by now. Kayla was my sister who was three years younger than me, so she is still in the younger school.

"KAYLA WHERE ARE YOU?!" I shouted louder.

"Yes?" I she her appear from around the corner of a wall.

"Are you going to explain? You refuse to accept me, avoid talking to me for practically two months, and now... what even was this?!"

"I'm sorry, I just, well I, I'm sorry. You, you were just so upset. It was all over some girl, too! I know Mom and Dad say it's because of that Kyle freak but I see in your eyes that your heart broken."

"So it's because I like girls!" I cut her off.

"No! It's because you got so upset over a girl! It's like me getting depressed over just some boy! A meaningless person whose not worth my time. You were depressed for over a month. Calling yourself ugly, stupid, an unlovable freak. And then you were happy again for a little bit, but now your not again. I hear how you call yourself ugly and hideous and just say horrible things about yourself. You were really irritable and grumpy and I, well, I just wanted to make you happy again. I like my happy sister better than my depressed, angry, self hating one."

I stared at her with my mouth hanging open. This girl acted ashamed of being related to me since forever and now she was going through all this trouble just to make me happy.

"I'm sorry, Del. I was so rude and mean to you before. I just, didn't know how to react to, you know, who you are. I'm not against you or anything but I, I mean, I'm sorry-"

I cut her off with a hug. She pulled me in tighter and we both cried. Forget that, we both sobbed! When we pulled apart we just stood there laughing lightly.

"Thank you for doing all that," I say to her.

"Thank you for forgiving me, I really was rude and mean and-"

"Hey! I got my sister back now. It's all good."

This turned out to be a pretty good day after all.

Perfect and imperfectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora