Chapter One

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A cat with a lame paw ran. Her body was covered in hot, sticky blood. She turned to see the rogues had stopped following her.
     SkyClan is gone, my home is gone.
     She stopped, panting.

"Dapplestorm!" Dapplestorm ran over to Ravenstar, pulling a she-cat off her former mentor. She limped over to Quivertail's bleeding body. "Dapplestorm?" The ginger tom whispered. "Don't forget me, okay?"
     Dapplestorm was overwhelmed with sadness. "Don't go!"
      Dapplestorm threw a tom off her back. She began to run away from SkyClan territory, her mind clouded with pain and sadness.

Dapplestorm licked a wound on her flank. I'm going to have to rest and hunt tomorrow.
     She came to a meadow that had only one tree in the very center. She recognized its kind. It was the kind that held the special sap that could cure redcough. She dug a small hole in the thick roots and curled up to sleep. She was too exhausted to gather moss to make a nest.
      She twisted and turned in her sleep, dreaming of SkyClan.

"Redclaw, could you take a patrol to the border to see if BloodClan is still in the territory?"

This had been only a few sunrises before. Her heart ached from the memory

"Sure." Dapplestorm nodded. "Ok, Quivertail, how would you like to take some cats hunting?" Suggested by his name, the tom quivered his tail with excitement. "Sure!" The ginger tom purred, gathering a few warriors.

Dapplestorm woke up the next morning and scented the air. "No sign of BloodClan." Her fur reeked with the scent of dried blood. She carefully began to clean herself up. She looked out across the meadow. "I guess you're on your own now, Dapplestorm."
       She sat up and stretched carefully. She looked around and spotted a mouse nibbling on a grass seed. She crept up on it, making sure she was downwind, and pounced. She killed it with a quick bite. "Thank you..." She whispered. "For keeping me alive."

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