Chapter Eight

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"What?" Shadow asked. "Please, Shadow," Dapplestorm pleaded. "I need to talk to StarClan, and if there is anywhere I can it's the place from your dream."
      The young black she-cat kneaded the ground. "I don't know..." Dapplestorm tried to stay patient. "I had a dream about a charred black tree." She pointed to the lightning tree. "There were cats all around me," she explained. "You were there."
      Shadow's eyes widened. "Me?" She questioned. Dapplestorm nodded. "They had the same red eyelids as you," she explained. "Shadow, we were meant to meet here and I know it. StarClan wants you to show me the cave."
      Shadow took in a deep breath. "Ok." She said finally. "But not until tomorrow." She looked up at the sky. "It's getting dark."
      Jasper got up and went to a cave in the wall of the hollow. "Would you like to sleep in my den?" Shadow asked. Dapplestorm shook her head. "I will find somewhere else to sleep when I'm ready. Thank you though."
      Dapplestorm walked over to the lightning tree. It's bark was black as if it had been struck by lightning, but it still help strong in the ground. She looked beside the tree and saw a crack in the rock. She crawled into it carefully. She realized it opened up to a cave, big enough to be a den. Seeing some loose moss, she collected it and made it into a nest.
       Perhaps this could be my new home. She thought. I have protection, new friends, plenty of forest to hunt in, and an herb storage just across the hollow. She laid down and looked out through the crack. She wondered if it could ever become as much of a home as SkyClan was. Maybe Shadow's dreams will hold the answer.
      She laid her head down and let sleep come to her.

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