Chapter Seven

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Dapplestorm looked at the tree. The one from my dream. The black cat must've seen she was looking that way. "We call it the lightning tree," she said. "I'm Shadow, by the way." Dapplestorm nodded. "I'm Dapplestorm."
      "This is the cat you were telling me about?" Shadow asked. Jasper nodded. "She brought prey." The old tom tossed the shrew to Shadow.
     Dapplestorm thought back to her dream. Several cats were around her in the dream. One she remembered was a black cat with red over her eyelids. It's Shadow!
     Dapplestorm turned back to Shadow. She smelled like herbs. Dapplestorm could even see loose bits of leaves clung to her fur. "So, how do you two know each other?" Dapplestorm asked.
      "Well, I found Jasper hurt in the woods one day and decided to help him. He brought me here and I took care of him. After that he insisted I stayed here," Shadow explained. "That was only a few moons ago," she said. "And I've collected a lot of herbs since."
     Dapplestorm nodded. "I enjoy hearing stories of her weird dreams," Jasper chuckled. "Starry cats and glimmering stones." Dapplestorm flinched. "Starry cats?" StarClan!
      Shadow nodded. "They were in that cave." She pointed with her tail to a cave higher up the walls. "They led me through a dark cave to a glimmering stone. They kept saying Storms will rise and cloud the sky, but will bring the sky back to life. The one has come..."
      Jasper snorted. "It's just a silly dream," he laughed. "Who would believe in starry cats?"
      "Shadow... I think your dreams are from StarClan," Dapplestorm said. "StarClan?" Shadow asked. "They are my warrior ancestors..." She continued to explain to the loners what StarClan was. "I want you to take me through the cave," she told Shadow. "Show me the glimmering stone."

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