Chapter Eleven

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The next cat to step forward was a gray tabby tom with a lame hind leg. He looked at Dapplestorm with understanding. "You will not know me." He said softly. "My name is Jagged Peak. I was here when the Clans began and before that even. I was hunting one day when I fell from a tree." He looked down at his injured leg. "That didn't stop me from being a warrior and raising a family."
      Jagged Peak looked over at a black she-cat and then back at Dapplestorm. "With this life I give you determination and endurance." He touched is nose to Dapplestorm's. Dapplestorm felt strength flow through her like a river. She flexed her claws and felt like all over LionClan was in her veins. Nothing can stop me now!
      "Use this life to stand up for your Clan against all threats that come to you." Dapplestorm nodded. "Thank you," she whispered.
      Dapplestorm gasped as a ginger-and-white tom came up to her, his tail quivering with excitement and happiness. "Quivertail!" Dapplestorm squeaked. "Hi, Dapplestorm!" The young tom squeaked. "So good to see you again." Dapplestorm felt grief as she remembered watching Quivertail die only a few days ago. "I'm so sorry." She whispered.
      Quivertail didn't say anything, just pressed his nose to hers. "With this life I give you loyalty," Quivertail whispered. "Always be loyal to your new Clan." Dapplestorm nodded as Quivertail backed away. The next cat in line was a pretty silver she-cat who Dapplestorm recognized immediately.
      "Silverwhisker!" She squeaked with excitement at the sight of her mother. "I've missed you, my sweet Dapple," Silverwhisker whispered. "And I am so proud to give you the life of protection." Dapplestorm sunk her claws into the dirt as the life flowed through her. She felt as if she had just been bit by an adder. "Use it to protect your new Clan."
     Dapplestorm opened her eyes to see that a tom had taken her mother's place. It was Darkstorm, Dapplestorm's father. "Hello, my sweet daughter." He stepped forward. "My life is for courage," he started. "Use it to not give up in tough situations." Dapplestorm braced herself, but this life did not burn as much and it was soon over.
      "Hello, Dapplestorm."

Almost over, I promise.

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