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A couple of Kits sat in a clearing. The first was a black and white tom. The second was a gray she-kit. There was also another she-cat with a dark pelt, and a white she-kits. Several others stood farther back.
"When do we attack?" Asked the dark she-cat. "Soon, Blazekit." The tom said. He mapped out a plan in the sand, making deep lines with the metal covers on his claws. "I say we take MistyClan," the white kit chuckled. "They are weak!" The gray kit looked at her. "Let Fishkit decide!" She snapped.
Blazekit nodded. "Echokit is right, Dashkit." Fishkit gave the she-cat's a sharp look, but then his eyes brightened. "MistyClan is a great idea," he said.
Echokit nodded. "MistyClan is a very new Clan." Fishkit looked at the others. "Then it's decided." He turned to the cats watching from a distance. "The Legion of Kits has chosen their first victim!"

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