City of my dreams...

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City of my dreams...

I used to be so jealous of those people who are living near those tall buildings and lively place ,called Manila. Everytime we travel from our island to our town,I get to have a glimpse of that place that I once thought full of abundance and I kept on imagining myself living there and having so much more. And I grew older, I am finally of age in entering a University and I finally got the chance to live in the city of my dreams. Like a glass shattering on the ground, my dreams shattered in front of me. The city with tall buildings and lively places isn't what you thought it would be if you're from a province like me. Once you go there,expect traffics and smokes everywhere. People are placing their bags in front of them because thieves are everywhere. People are struggling to live their lives and a lot of those people are from provinces who went to Manila to have a better life, but they didn't. This place is full of chaos and you have to be wise to be able to survive..

Institute of Arts and Sciences (IAS)
FEU Manila

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