Chapter 18

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Yawning, Moonfrost stretched out her body, paws scaring ruts in the dirt beside her nest of soft moss and bracken. It was the sunrise after she had returned from her search for her lost clan.
Hurrying outside, she blinked as bright sunlight shone down onto the camp, the day we'll on its way to sunhigh. Shocked, Moonfrost looked around, wondering why she had been allowed to sleep so long in her temporary nest beside the camp entrance.
The camp was empty of warriors, other than a large tom beside the brambles that made up the warriors den sharing a shrew with Applefur. A kit sat outside the nursery, pawing at a ball of moss, then with a squeak, he leaped on top of it and began shredding it with small paws.
Whiskers twitching with amusement, Moonfrost headed toward the ancient oak stump that shielded the leaders den. The thick tangle of roots woven with Ivy and brambles sheltered a long tube-like cave, Onestar had his nest deep in the shadows of the stump, the moss lined with ferns setting atop a large root that still sprouted a few twigs every now and then.
Moonfrost called out, hearing a greeting in return. She pushed her way through the Ivy stems that dangled down, screening the lionclan leader from the sunlight.
Onestar was sitting in his nest, Poisonfang, the new deputy, sitting beside him and looking impatient for being interrupted. Bowing her head Moonfrost faced the two cats.
"Hello, Onestar, Poisonfang, did you two want me on any duties today?" Moonfrost ignored the glare Poisonfang was giving her, forcing her pricking fur to lie flat.
"Moonfrost, I want you to hunt for the elders." Poisonfang growled.
Blinking in surprise, Moonfrost looked from the deputy to Onestar. He flicked his ear, signaling her to go. "And make sure their bedding is cleaned, grab an apprentice to show you the best places for moss."
Disappointed, Moonfrost dipped her head and turned around, slipping back out of the den and shaking out her silver pelt.
The first apprentice she spotted was the dark brown tabby fur of Slashpaw, sunning beside the apprentice's den. Padding over, she prodded him with a large silver paw.
"Get off you great-" his meow cut short and turned into a hiss as he narrowed his eyes, glaring at Moonfrost. "What do you want, rogue?"
Ignoring the jibe, Moonfrost stepped back, "Poisonfang and Onestar want me to take an apprentice and hunt for the elders, Then we will be off to gather moss for them."
Slashpaw heaved himself up to his paws with a snort of contempt; "put you on apprentice duties, have they? Not surprised, you left the clan for a long time, then expect to waltz in here and demand to be trusted?" Flicking his tail, he trotted toward the camp entrance, leaving Moonfrost to follow, still stinging from the barb in his words.
Moonfrost followed slowly, scenting the air, as half familiar scents called to her from hidden shadows. The cry of a crow had her paws speeding to catch up, wary of losing the much smaller cat, and she almost tripped over stormtail, his dark gray fur hidden in the shadows of a birch tree. Yowling in surprise, stormtail reared up, claws unsheathed, and glaring.
Gasping, Moonfrost drew back, eyes wide with terror. Recognition gleamed in stormtail's eyes, and he dropped back onto all fours, still glaring at her.
"You made me miss the fattest mouse I've seen in moons! Why can't you watch where you're putting your paws?" Stormtail spat angrily.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't see you there..." Moonfrost bowed her head, shame washing through her like waves.
Stormtail heaved a deep sigh, then waved his tail. "It's OK, I'll find other prey, what are you doing out here?"
"I'm was hunting for the elders, I was out with Slashpaw, but he seems to have disappeared..." She trailed off, looking around.
"He seems to do that quite a bit." Stormtail murdered, then shook out his sleek fur, whiskers twitching. "I'll take you around if you like, I need to finish hunting anyway, and you owe me a mouse." His eyes became mocking.
Moonfrost nodded, grateful that at least one cat wasn't treating her like she had the mange. Trotting after stormtail, she felt the shadows under the thick trees.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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