Chapter 2

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The end of twoleg place neared, a quarter moon later, and Ruby's paws no longer ached, toughened by the hard streets and rubble of the town. Two kits followed her, willow and moon. Her heart twisted in agony as she remembered Red's terrible death.

Sleeping in a box, she didnt have time to think when the dog leaped out of nowhere, grabbing her precious baby in its jaws, and the horrible crunch that cut off his panicked scream...

Shaking her head violently, to banish the last clinging cobwebs of memory, Ruby turned to her two daughters, knowing what she must do.

"My darlings... When we meet your father..." Ruby choked off, unable to finish, and both of the tiny shekits looked at her in fear, their eyes showing the haunting memory of their brothers death, just a sunrise before.

"When we meet your father... Everything will be better, my loves. Do not panic" ruby couldn't force herself to add and when we meet him, i must give you up. I couldn't protect Red... I cant protect you as well as your father can...

By nightfall, they had reached the tree line, and the kits looked around in wide eyed awe.

"Momma! This is awesome! Where do we go from here?" Willow bounced over, her blue eyes wide.

Ruby gently licked her daughters ears, smoothing the ruffled fur on her head and neck. "We will sleep here tonight. And tomorrow i will go and look for your father while you two hide in the trees."

Both kits nod and follow her to a large holly bush, its branches spread wide and the roots partly uprooted, leaving space enough for a den inside.

Ruby curled her skinny, hunger wracked body around her two surviving kits. And the thought echoed in her head, if i cant find your father, what do i do then?

By morning, Ruby was more optimistic. She had caught a large vole, and eaten much more than she had been able to find in twolegplace. Nursing her kits, she thought about the forest that brackenstar had showed her. Their meeting place by the ancient ash tree seemed a good place to start...

"Now what do you do if you see something scary?" Ruby asked her kits as she curls her tail around her paws, looking down at them.

"Hide!" Willows tiny voice squeaked, her blue eyes wide, and serious.

"No mousebrain!" Moon pushes willow, making her fall over, then helps her up. "We are suppose to stay quiet, THEN hide. Right momma?" Moon looks up, her blue eyes earnest.

"Yes of course my little warrior." Ruby's heart twisted, but her eyes stay warm. "You are a very good warrior already. Both of you. Im so proud of you both!"

Both kits looked at her with proud blue eyes, then willow turned and slipped into the holly bush, but moon hesitated, looking closely at her.

"Momma... You look so sad... Are you ok?" Moons voice was soft and worried. Ruby was shocked, hearing her daughters compassion.

"Im fine darling. Just some thoughts that trouble me. Go in and protect your sister. I'll be back soon." Ruby licked her kits head, then watches as she disappears into the holly bush, then turn and dashes into the forest, scenting for brackenstar, or any other cat.

The following days were the same, nights spent curled around her kits, and days spent going deeper into the woods, searching for the clan scent.

Finally, close to full moon, Ruby finds the scent of his clan. Excited, she paced the markers, wondering if she should go in and search, or just stay at the border.

Suddenly the bushes rustled, and a small gray tabby stepped out, followed by a large gray tom with a white chest.

"What can you smell hawkpaw?" The big gray tom asked, his amber eyes flashing around, not noticing Ruby crouching beside the border.

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