Chapter 13

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Moonfrost followed cloudspot along the path, heading for the moonpool. Her silver fur rippling with the shadows of the long grasses, and her belly rumbled at the scent of vole in the air.

Cloudspot stopped, his eyes wide with apprehension. "Moonfrost, you may hunt. Mousefeather i must talk to you."

Moonfrost nods and stalks off, following the scent to a large bramble thicket. Seeing the small brown creature she darts forward, slamming her large paw down and snapping its neck.

Carrying it back, moonfrost hesitated, worried, but she stalked forward silently, stopping when she heard mousefeathers soft voice.

"Now that I've eaten, tell me whats on your mind cloudspot."

"Im worried that starclan won't accept me, and give me my name and nine lives. Brackenstar isnt dead. We drive him out..." Cloudspot let out a wary sigh.

"You did what is best for the clan. Starclan will respect that. Thats all a leader is suppose to do: what is best for the clan." Mousefeathers words filled moonfrost with a rush of determination and excitement.

One day i will be leader. Then i can do what is best for the clan too. Ill be the best leader the clan has ever seen! Moonstar... The name sent a chill down moonfrost's spine, and ambition clutched at her, making her breath catch and her tail stir the leaves and grass around her.

"Moonfrost? Are you back?" Cloudspot's voice was back to strong and commanding.

Standing moonfrost moves forward with the vole in her jaws, then set beside mousefeather as she gulped it down.

"You took your time." Mousefeather growled, looking closely at moonfrost. Embarrassed, moonfrost licked her muzzle, then purred.

"Well you wanted to talk didnt you? I just thought u should have plenty of time. Anyway, i got me a good bit of freshkill. Are we leaving soon?" Moonfrost stood, her head held high and her paws tingling.

Nodding, cloudspot stood and waved his tail, leading them further along into the brush.


Moonfrost watched anxiously as the two toms lay completely still on the edge of the magnificent pool, shining silver in the moonlight. It reflected an eerie light, making cloudspot's gray fur shine silver, and mousefeathers light pelt seemed to glow with starclan's mysteries.

The moments seemed to drag on, and moonfrost began i doze. Images flashing in her mind. Glowing pelts, flashing claws, and the unbearable agony of loneliness.

Jerking awake, she saw mousefeather stir, his ear twitching, and he raised his head, yawning.

"Moonfrost?" Mousefeathers eyes settled on her, giving her a look of pure pity and pain. "You must be very uncomfortable. I need to tell you before cloudstar wakes up."

Moonfrost tilted her head, confused. What can't be said in front of the new clan leader? A shudder slithers down her spine.

"Starclan told me a prophesy. 'When the moon rises, the clan rises like the tide. When the moon sets the clan shall fall, only to rise with the new moon'... I do not know what it means. But I was told to give it to you." Mousefeather flashes a look to cloudstar. "I also wanted to thank you for everything moonfrost. You served your clan well."

Moonfrost felt her fur prickling as foreboding spreads through her. He sounds as if he is saying good bye... Whats going on?

But her question never got an answer, as cloudstar yelled himself to his paws, and yawns widely, shaking out his fur. The glow of the moonpool seemed to stick to his fur as he pads away from it to join the other cats.

"Lets get back to camp. There are duties to do." Cloudstar stalked up the incline and headed along the moor toward stormclan territory.


"I say these words before starclan so that they may hear and approve of my choice! Snowberry will be the new leader of stormclan!" Cloudstars voice was raised above the clan, his head held high.

"Snowberry! Snowberry!" The call echoed through the clan, and pride for her friend swelled in moonfrost's chest.

Padding over, moonfrost brushed her tail Down the older shecats flank. "Congratulations, snowberry! Im so happy for you!"

Snowberry purred, her blue eyes happy and surprised. "Thanks moonfrost, its great isnt it?"

Nodding, moonfrost purred again. "You will do a great job." Hearing her name, moonfrost looked over, seeing her old mentor, now an elder.

"Yes dawnspirit?" Heading over, she gave him a respectful lick on his shoulder.

"Something in my bones is warning me moonfrost. Something isnt right. You need to keep your eyes open, and your guard up." The old tom flashes a look around the camp, wary and bitter toned.

"Yes dawnspirit, i will." Moonfrost was baffled, but respected the old tom too much to argue.

Nodding, he limped away, curling into his nest without another word. Shaking her head, moonfrost wondered away, toward her nest.

"Moonfrost. You didnt sleep at all last night. I want you to have these." Mousefeather stalked up, and shoved poppy seeds under her muzzle.

Startled, moonfrost looked into his impassive eyes. Something isnt right here... But mousefeather has never tried to harm me. What is wrong with me? Not trusting my clanmates! Moonfrost scoffed herself and licked up the poppy seeds.

Curling in her nest, she wated mousefeather leave, and drowsiness swamped her already exhausted mind. Tucking her nose into her tail, moonfrost fell into a deep, untroubled sleep.

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