Chapter 1

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Ruby curled tightly around her kits, two tiny silver shecats, and a little golden tom, so much like his father. She licked them all three, smoothing their ruffled fur, and a deep purr rumbled in her chest.

Sense last night when she felt the first pain, fear had shadowed the birth of these three precious bundles. But now, looking at them, Ruby never once regretted sneaking away from her twolegs to meet the handsome, if somewhat cold, brackenstar. Leader of his clan, Stormclan. The clan he refused to give up for her.

Now looking back, remembering his terrified and heartbroken face, as her twolegs shipped Ruby off to their friends house, Ruby missed him greatly. She needed to find him. But the kits had come, making her unable to travel.

The silver kits wiggled, curling closer to her warm belly, but the golden kit lay limply, his sides rising and falling in his sleep. Ruby had never loved anything as much as she loved these kits.


"Moon! Get down from there!" Ruby called as she stood in the fenced in yard, two of her kits tumbling around her. At half a moon old, they seemed to be all over the place.

Moon wobbled, her balance disturbed, and she tumbled off the bricks that lined the twolegs garden with a wail.

Ruby dashed over, and calmed her with soothing licks. Her own silver fur prickling in fear, but moon bounced up, her blue eyes wide.

"That was fun momma!" The kit didnt seem to be hurt, and Ruby stood back and watched moon charge over to Willow and Red.

They are so much like their father... I must take them away to see him soon. The twolegs will take them from me if i dont leave soon... The pain that pierced her heart when she thought about losing her kits was almost too much.

"Alright. Who wants to go on an adventure?" Ruby asked, forcing her voice to be bright and excited.

"Me! I do!" All three kits meowed excitedly, bouncing over to her, their eyes wide.

"Lets go! The rules are, we must leave without the twolegs seeing us, and we can't get caught. You ready?" Ruby ushered all three kits over to the fence, sliding through the strongly scented flowers to the break in the fence she was going to use before the kits came.

"Where are we going momma?" Red asked, his amber eyes wide and excited.

"We are going to meet your father little ones! How exciting is that?" Ruby's voice didnt have to be forced to sound excited now, and she slipped through the break in the fence, looking around before calling "alright my darlings. Come on out!"

One by one the kits slipped out and looked around with wide eyes at the twoleg place, the trees just visible through the hard roof tops.

"Is that where we are going momma?" The smallest of the three asked, as willow fluffs out her silver fur. "Are you sure its safe?"

"Of corse my dear! If it wasnt i would never bring you out." Ruby gently licked willows soft fur, then purred, "Lets go"

As the cats began to wonder across the hard path of twolegplace, toward the trees, Ruby's belly tightened in fear, as she wondered, how will I keep you safe? Oh my darlings if only i knew!

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