Chapter 16

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Moonfrost woke to a old ginger tom sniffing her leg, his gray streaked muzzle scared and his amber eyes sharp, in spite of his clearly old age.
Holding still, moonfrost sniffed, smelling a strange scent on the old tom, the scent of dull sickness, and herbs. This must be crimsonfeather... The lionclan medicine cat.
His eyes move to her, "your leg isn't infected. Just sore for now, i suppose. Mousebrain. Shouldn't have been fighting alone. But firestar will want to talk to you." His mew was raspy, as if he had a cough, but without another word, crimsonfeather turned and stalked out of the den, his long tail flicking.
Moonfrost began licking her fur, stretching her stiff leg, she winces at the sharp pain that shot up her body.
"Hurts, doesn't it?" A dark ginger tom with amber eyes stalked in, his head held regally, and his white paws huge.
"Im strong, i can handle it." Moonfrost hissed, drawing her legs close to her, ignoring the pain in her stiff muscles.
"Oh i know your strong, moonfrost. Icefur told me what happened. Im very interested in how you were able to fight that fox alone." Firestar looked into her eyes, his amber eyes soft with sympathy. "Your tail is healing well, and your hind leg is going to be fine. Crimsonfeather said you should be fully healed in a quarter moon."
Moonfrost forced herself to stand, her body much bigger than firestar's, his ginger body just slightly larger than crimsonfeathers.
Firestar's amber eyes were on her, but she ignored him. "I need to get back to my territory and wait for my clan to return. I thank crimsonfeather, he is a good medicine cat, but i must go."
"You arnt leaving yet. Two reasons. One, you are so weak that a mouse could take you down. Second, stormclan is gone. In the gathering, cloudstar said they are not coming back." Firestar growled, his ember eyes flashing sympathy and determination. "Once your healed you can leave and be a rogue if you want, but i won't have you going out and dying in the forest."
Moonfrost's heart dropped, her belly clinching in fierce pain. My clan abandoned me? What did i do...?
Feeling numb, moonfrost just curled back into her nest, ignoring firestar as he curled up beside her, saying soft words of sympathy and comfort.
Moonfrost woke from her doze, the sun slanting on her silver pelt, making it shine brightly. She looked around at the cats of lionclan, kits and apprentices playing beside a large tree stump that serves as the apprentices den, warriors bustling back and forth from one end of camp to the other, and a queen or two scolding their kits.
A moon and a half had passed sense moonfrost had come, and she hasn't bothered to learn any of their names, except for a young shecat, whitetail, who's white face and gray head and body was beautiful, her white tipped tail always moving, and her amber eyes warm, a black tom with fierce amber eyes, stormtail, shadowterror, long legged with black and dark brown fur, and surprising enough, a shecat named applefur, her silver-gray fur soft as kits fluff, but her claws and blue eyes sharp and curious.
These are not my clan... Moonfrost thought to herself. I must go and look for my clan...
Standing strong, moonfrost went over to firestar's den, a large holly bush with strong outer branches and slick oily leaves. Calling out, she heard him invite her in, and she pushes her way through the sharp leaves, into the warm den.
"Ah! Moonfrost! How are you today?" Firestar's warm eyes gleamed in the shadows of the den, and moonfrost felt the now-familiar twinge of warmth, like she had felt for her father when she was a kit.
"Im well enough. I think its time for me to go." Moonfrost said, watching firestar's ears droop in disappointment.
"Very well. They went to the lands above the cliffs. Beyond moonpool. Im sure you can find it." Firestar stood, his eyes showing sorrow, but he blinked and it was gone. "I had hoped you would stay, but i suppose that you miss your clan. You can come back at any time, you know..."
Touched, moonfrost bowed her head and slipped out of the den, heading across the camp to the entrance, a thick barrier of thistles and brambles.
Slipping out of camp, she took off running for the border, and to the moonpool.

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