Chapter 8

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Moonpaw shivered, her pelt being tickles by a breeze on her side where willowpaw usually slept. Two moons after her first gathering, and moonpaw still felt the chill of the night. Lifting her head, moonpaw yawned widely, and moved toward willowpaw, but empty air met moonpaws searching paw, where her sisters warm body usually was.

Looking around, moonpaw couldn't see her sister anywhere. The other apprentices slept peacefully in their nests, and confusion swept through moonpaw. Standing up, she stalked her way out of the apprentices den, and yawned. Just past moonhigh. Where could willowpaw be?

Following her sisters scent, moonpaw stalked lightly across the clearing. Twitching her ears to hear the slightest sound, and sniffing carefully.

She snuck out the dirtplace? Where is she going? Moonpaw hurried to follow her sister, hoping not to be caught by any of her clanmates.

Darting along her sisters scent, moonpaw looked around, hoping to see her sister hunting anywhere. The trail was leading straight toward dragonclan territory.

Please let me find her hunting! Willowpaw cant be spying on us. can she? Moonpaws thoughts begged as she raced along, getting nearer to the border.

Suddenly, moonpaw heard a loud meowing, and purrs of amusement. Stalking forward, she saw two cats rolling around in the grass on stormclan territory.

Fur bristling, moonpaw recognized her sisters silver pelt under the dark fur of the second cat. Bunching her hunches, she prepared to leap down onto the cat pinning her sister. before she could move, willowpaw broke into a purr and pushed the cat away.

"Gorsepaw! You great lump! Get off me." Willowpaws voice drifted up to moonpaw, and she watched in horror as willowpaw pressed her muzzle to the brown toms'.

"Im not gorsepaw anymore. Im gorsehawk. Im a warrior now." His proud mew echoed.

"Oh gorsehawk! Im so proud of you!" Willowpaw presses her muzzle to his, purring, and they twine their tails together.

Moonpaw couldn't understand what was happening, only that it was wrong. "Willowpaw! No!" Her enraged voice made her sister jump away from the warrior guiltily.

"M-moonpaw!" Willowpaws eyes widen as they settle on her sister, and gorsehawk looks wary, his fur fluffing out.

Without another word, moonpaw launched herself at the dark brown tom, her larger size helping her as she sank her claws into his shoulders and pinned him down.

"Moonpaw no!!" Willowpaw gasped and tried to push her sister away. "no! Please dont hurt him!"

Moonpaw snarled, her claws still holding the struggling warrior down. "Willowpaw your breaking the code! And you were suppose to be a medicine cat! What is mousefeather and brackenstar going to say? Why in starclan would you betray us like this?" Moonpaw couldn't keep the hurt from her voice.

"Im not hurting anyone moonpaw! Just let him go! Please!" Willowpaw still tried franticly to shove her sister off of gorsehawk, but her struggles were useless.

"You did hurt someone. You hurt me!" Moonpaw spit in fury, and raised one paw, and clawed across gorsehawks muzzle, opening a deep wound across the top that would scar, and leave him marked.

Gorsehawk yowled in pawn, and struggled again, his eyes blinded by his own blood, and his movements more panicked.

Still furious, moonpaw drew her claws out of his shoulder and leaped away from him. Willowpaw was instantly pressing against him, meowing softly.

Snarling, moonpaw shoved her away from him, her ice blue eyes hard and cold. "You won't see him again. Im telling brackenstar!"

Willowpaw looked horrified, and she hook her head. "no! Moonpaw dont! He wouldn't understand!"

Moonpaw snarled again. "Get out gorsehawk. An dont come back." Moonpaw drew back as the tom scrambled to his paws, and dashed back into the dragonclan territory.

Willowpaw watched him go, her blue eyes wide with distress. Moonpaw ignored her and pads toward camp, and hears her sister padding slowly behind her.

"You... Just dont understand moonpaw..." Willowpaws meow was broken with defeat and sorrow. "I love him..."

Stopping dead, moonpaw swung around, glaring coldly at her sister. "If i catch him on our territory again, and if you meet him again, i will kill him. do not doubt me."

Willowpaw flinches back, and nods, her blue eyes wide with terror and pain, and moonpaw felt daunted. the first time she ever seen anyone give that look to her. It stirred a strange feeling in her. Half horror and half triumph.

Turning, silver pelt bristling, moonpaw hurried back to camp, her sister following close behind..

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