Chapter 11

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Moonfrost stalked past the warriors den, feeling the eyes of the other cats, hot on her silver pelt, making it prickle in nervousness. Her father was beside the leaders den, talking to Ruby, but moonfrost had no patience for them. She didnt want to talk to Ruby, or to any cat. Except her sister,

Sliding into the thick ferns that framed the medicine den, moonfrost looked for her sister. Spotting a silver flash in the hollow log at the end of the den, moonfrost called for her sister.

Slipping out, willowpaw had a long strand of cobweb hanging from her ear, and bits of leaf on her shoulders. With an excited mew, willowpaw rushed forward and nuzzles moonfrost.

"I thought you wouldn't come back! You were so upset!" willowpaw panted, her eyes wide with fear.

"Im fine. Want to go for a walk? I dont feel like being in camp, and the other cats look at me funny." Moonfrost shuffled her paws, unsure of what to do, then licks her sisters ear, ridding her or the cobweb.

"Yes! I got my name last night at moonpool while you were gone. Im willowfall now." The silver shecat purred happily.

"Wow! congratulations! brackenstar must be proud." moonfrost purred happily, twining her tail with her sister's, and nuzzling her ear.

"Moonfrost... You know i cant be a medicine cat." Willowfall meowed suddenly.

Moonfrost was stunned, unsure what to say. "You made a vow At the moonpool! You can't just take it back."

Willowfall nods, her ice blue eyes regretful. "Starclan told me in a dream, that they knew i didnt mean my promise, and that they were not angry. They said that i was free to follow my heart."

Shock flowed through moonfrost, and she looked carefully at her sister, then nodded. "Gorsehawk. I know you love him, But you can't give up everything you trained for... Can you?"

Willowfall nodded, her eyes shadowed. "Im going to him tonight. He is waiting for me on the dragonclan border, just past the thunderpath."

Moonfrost touched her nose to her sisters ear, then let out a sigh.

"I cant convince you to stay. But ill make sure your ok. I promise." Sudden fear speared moonfrost, fear for her sister, and of her father, who would rage at his favorite daughter's disappearance.


That night, after the clan had fallen asleep, moonfrost and willowshine stalked silently through the camp, passing appleleaf, who was supposed to be on guard at the entrance of camp, but instead dozing in a bramble thicket.

Slipping along the paths to the dragonclan border, moonfrost tried again. "Willowfall please dont. Ill miss you terribly, and i will be left alone with brackenstar and his new pet... Kittypet." The word came out more vicious than was intended, but willowfall didnt stop, didnt even react.

"Moonfrost, my dear sweet sister. Ill always love you. And you will see me at gatherings... And ill show you my kits when i have them... If i have kits..." Willowfalls eyes filled with misery, looking at moonfrost, and she touched moonfrost's cheek with her nose, and sighed.

"Ill miss you willowfall..." Moonfrost murmured, her eyes showing her sorrow, but willowfall still pulled back, and shook her head.

"Once i pass the thunderpath in dragonclan..." Willowfalls new was soft, and she turned her face from moonfrost, to hide her pain. The rumble of the thunderpath was close now, and moonfrost's heart ached, knowing she would miss her sister dearly.

"Good bye moony. ill miss you." willowfall murmured, then turned and vanished into the undergrowth.

Her head down, moonfrost closed her eyes tightly. Tracking her sisters paw steps along the familiar path.

Suddenly the roar of a monster was interrupted by a harsh screech and a loud thump, then the monster snarled again and all was silent.

Leaping forward, moonfrost was filled with terror. Dashing into the clearing beside the thunderpath, moonfrost ignored the slimy grass, her ice blue eyes wide, spotting a mass of silver on the thunderpath, unmoving.

Carefully moonfrost crept forward, denial slamming into her, but a small voice in her mind told her that it was true.

Reaching the silver on the road, she nudged the soft fur, and mewed like a kit. willowfalls flank twitched, then fell still.

Feeling hollow, moonfrost dragged her sisters body off the thunderpath, and carried her home like a kit, feeling an even deeper ache in her heart when she saw her sisters delicate paws dragging along the dirt.

Startling appleleaf, who had been guarding the camp entrance, moonfrost stumbled into camp, and laid her sisters body gently in the middle if the clearing.

Crouching beside willowfall, moonfrost didnt see brackenstar stumble from his den, nor did she hear his booming mew roaring out in agony.

Moonfrost was in a place where two kits played, watched over by a queen. And she burried her nose into her sisters familiar fur, feeling her sisters body growing cold, and she blocked out everything else.

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