Chapter 8 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]

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Hey, It's JustinAusBieber,
Thankyou for everyone reading this story, :)
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- Ashlee's Pov - 

As we drove along, occasional drops of water started landing on the car. Within minutes it was pouring rain and heavy storm clouds covered the night sky. 
We parked and I searched around the car for the umbrellas. I frowned realising there were none in the car. 
“Umbrellas?” Dad asked. 
“They’re not in the car, we’re going have to run it,” I told dad. 

Everyone let out a big sigh. 

“But my hair!” Lucy yelled, now upset.
“Here,” I pulled off my jumper and told her that I was going to cover her as we ran under cover. 
“Ready, set, go.” I whispered into Lucy’s ear. We began to run, both squealing as small raindrops seemed to get past my jumper that was raised above our heads. We reached the entrance to the cheesecake factory and stood under the roof, avoiding the pouring rain. I watched the rest of my family then suddenly running through the rain towards us, their jumpers over their heads like I had done. 

The lady at the counter giggled at me as I slid my jacket back on, shivering from the cold. 
“Bad timing, hey.” She said, looking at me.
I nodded, “Yeah.”
We were showed to our table and we all took a seat. I sat next to Lucy who had decided to bring a different doll with us than the one she had earlier in the bathroom. 
“What happened to your other doll that wanted her hair done?” I asked her and she looked up at me with her big blue eyes.
“Because she didn’t want to come without her hair done, duh.” She said, as if I should have realised myself.
“Oh, of course.” I mumbled. 

Lucy is really bright. She can speak most words and understand alot of things. We know she is going to be smart and be an A grade student once she begins school.

I opened my menu and was looking down the page when I felt eyes on me. I put down my menu to see someone staring at me on the other side of the restaurant. I narrowed my eyes trying to make out who he was. Maybe it was nobody, and he just happened to be looking this way. I removed my eye contact from him to look at my phone that had just vibrated. It was from Justin.

It read, “Fancy seeing you here.” 

I looked back to see his cheeky grin. Even know it was creepy that he came here, I was kind of glad he did. 

- Justin's Pov -

The waitress placed my pasta in front of me and gave me a quick smile before walking off. Scooter looked at me, taking his first bite of steak. 
“What are you staring at Justin?”
“Uh, nothing.” I lied, having a bite of pasta. 
“Have you seen that girl again?” Mum suddenly asked me. 
I looked down with a small smile, thinking about her. 
“Yeah, I saw her at the mall yesterday and uh, she’s here.” I told them.
“Really?” Mum said excitedly, “Where?”
“At that table over there, the one looking at me...”
She turned to look and she stared for 3 seconds before looking back at me. 
“She’s pretty.” She stated, nudging me.
I laughed, “I know.”

We finished our meals and the waitress came over again, asking if we wanted dessert. Pattie, Scooter and Kenny looked at me as if to say that it was my decision.
I looked over to see Ashlee taking a bite of cheesecake. I then looked at the waitress and nodded.
“Yes please.”
We ordered and she walked away, telling us that it will be brought to the table in a minute. I got out my phone again and texted Ashlee. 
“What flavour did you get?” 
She looked over at me and then at her phone. She held the fork in her mouth as she used her hands to type back.
“Original of course.” She texted, as if I were to know.
“I got that too." I replied.
“Good choice.”
I sat there thinking whether or not to ask the question I was dying to ask. I took a deep breath and started to type.

- Ashlee’s pov - 

I took another bite of my delicious cheese cake when my phone vibrated again. Of course it was Justin. 
“Do you want to do something tonight?”
I froze in place. Did he mean a date or as friends?
“As friends?”
“Yeah.” He replied. 
I sighed, “Sure. What did you want to do?”
“When your family leaves just join my table and we’ll pick? I’ll drop you home later if you want?”
“Ok (:” I replied before putting my phone back on the table and taking another bite of my cheesecake. 

My phone vibrated another time. 
“You were right, this is the tastiest cheesecake.”
I looked up to see him smiling, while holding up his cake. I laughed at him and nodded. 

“Mum can I go out with my friend tonight? They said they would drop me home later.” 
“Who’s your friend?” She asked.
Shit, I hadn’t told my parents about knowing Justin Bieber yet. 
“You might not believe this but...Justin Bieber.”
My dad laughed out loud, almost choking on his cake. 
“Yeah right, and later I’m going out with Beyonce.” 
I rolled my eyes, “If you don’t believe me, look over there.”
I pointed over to Justin’s table and my family turned to look. I heard them gasp and turn back to me quickly.
“Oh my god. How did you meet him?” 

I told my parents about how I met Justin in the grocery store and then again with Mia at the mall. I persuaded them to say yes and let me go. 
I hugged my mum before they payed and left the restaurant leaving me alone. I stood nervously, watching them leave, knowing that I now had to approach Justin’s table. I didn’t know him or his family who sat at the table laughing and enjoying their dessert. I didn’t want to seem rude by interrupting them so I decided to just wait outside for them. 

I watched the rain pour down in front of me. I was undercover just so it missed be by 1 metre at the most. My phone vibrated and once again, it was Justin.
“Why are you outside? Come in?”
“Because I don’t want to. I’ll just wait out here.”

He didn’t reply so I took that as him agreeing and meeting me outside after his dessert. I continued to watch the rain pour even heavier now and I shivered as the cold wind hit some of my bare skin that was left uncovered. I pulled my jumper over more so it covered me, keeping me warmer. 

I jumped at the touch of someone’s hand on my shoulder. The touch followed with a small chuckle, obviously making fun of me jumping. 
“You shouldn’t be out here? It’s cold and raining, come inside, please?”
I nodded shaking a little from the cold. He pulled me inside and we stood at the front of the restaurant for a second to talk to me. 

“Justin, I’m shy. I’m not good with meeting people, I’m still shy with you and I’ve met you a few times.”
“Shawty, you barely know me yet,” He winked, making me melt at the way he called me shawty, “come on, you’ll be fine.”

He took my hand in his and walked me over to his table. I got goose bumps at his touch, I looked down at our hands touching and he pulled away after realising my reaction. 
“Uh, sorry.” He mumbled, as we approached the table. 

I wasn’t going to tell him that I wanted him to take my hand again. The electricity that ran through me at his touch was unreal, it shocked me. I hadn’t experienced any feeling like it. 

I stood at the side of the table as Justin cleared his throat making everyone’s heads shoot up to look at me. They all grinned and gave a wave, “Hello,” the all said in sync. 
“Hey, nice to meet you all, I’m Ashlee.”
They smiled and I took a seat at the end of the table next to Justin. He went back to eating his cheesecake. I didn’t know what to do, where to look. They were eating; I felt to out of place as they all chewed their cake. 
“So, how old are you Ashlee?” The lady suddenly asked me.
“Sixteen,” I told her.
“I’m a year older than you?” Justin asked, raising his eyebrow.
“Well, I turn seventeen next month.” 
“Oh okay, cool. I’ll be here for your birthday then.” He winked at me, giving me butterflies.
“Why, how long are you in Atlanta for?” I asked.
“2 months.” He announced. 

- Justin’s Pov - 

I watched her smile, her blue eyes lighting up as I told her I was staying for two months. Surely this girl would have a boyfriend, she was stunning.

I took the last bite of my cheesecake and we all decided to leave. 

“I’m Pattie by the way,” Mum said, looking at Ashlee, “and this is Scooter and Kenny.”
“Okay, well it’s nice to meet you all.”

We walked out the front of the restaurant, the rain finally stopping enough for us to run to the car and hop in. I sat next to Ashlee in the back seat and we started driving on the busy street heading to somewhere I didn’t know. 

“Where are we going?” I asked curiously, knowing I was asking what Ashlee wanted to. 
“Well the rain has stopped so were going to go to the fair that’s on just out of the city.” Kenny announced as we turned down another road. 

The car was quiet as I nervously sat next to the girl that gave me butterflies, but yet I knew hardly anything about. 

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