The Chips

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* You may not take this, it's all mine. This is fan fiction, but I can't tell you from what fandom because that would ruin it. Also, I'm American so I don't actually know what I'm talking about with the chips so sorry.

It was the chips, he realized, that proved they were meant to be. Of course, it wasn't actually the chips themselves. They didn't grow mouths and shout, "You two are perfect, fall in love!" Although, they did once grow ears, but that was a different story.

"If anyone has any reason these two should not wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." he heard the priest guy drone on while his mind was wizzing. At least 12 of his thoughts were focused on the girl standing before him, the rest were either short circuiting or just blank for once.

On their first date they had chips, he remembered. Him, with his daft old face, and her, beautiful as the nebula named after her. He would never tell anyone he named it after her, she would never let it go. Of course, he hadn't actually eaten any on that date, because he was afraid of doing something so domestic as eating chips together. Plus, she paid for them, it was only right that she ate them.

"Do you..." this priest guy was mighty annoying. Why did he let her mother pick this place out? Oh, that's right, he's a big softie when it comes to her and-by default-her mother.

"I do." She whispered, giving him that adorable cheeky grin of hers. He smiled back as the butterflies erupted in his stomach.

"Do you..." A few dates after the first, when he was a new man, he decided to share the chips with her instead of buying his own. That was the moment of truth. He automatically grabbed a burnt one on the bottom, while she grabbed a just-rightly cooked one from the top. 

It was amazing, even if it didn't seem that way. He already knew they had a tendency to do things in perfect sync and balance each other out, but this was what took the cake. They both despised the other kind of chip, it just worked out.

He almost proposed right then and there, but he didn't have a ring and he wasn't sure if she felt the same way. She showed her love for him day in and day out, but he wanted to give her an out, always. It was just in case she ever got tired of this tired old man and wanted to go home. But something made him realize that if there was ever a time to take a chance it was then, because this woman was his soul mate and nothing would change that.

"I do." The smile that lit up on his face as he said that almost broke his jaw.

"You may now kiss the bride." Finally, he thought, sweeping his wife into his arms. 

Rose Tyler and the Doctor, as it should be.

*Wasn't that just beautiful? I've had that in my mind for a while. If you didn't know, that was a Doctor Who fanfic, Rose and the Doctor are my OTP. The nebula mentioned is on the right, if I can get it to work... hehehe the Rose Nebula. If it isn't there then go look it up. ...BYE

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