We Have A Question

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*This is a Doctor Who fanfic with Matt Smith as the Doctor. I've had this written down for a while with no idea what to do with it. By the way, I will almost never upload anything on the weekends, they are my days.

“Excuse me, sir!” I exclaimed at a random man, pulling April along with me. “Do you have time to answer a question?”

“I suppose. What’s the question?” he looked intrigued at this girls confidence to talk to random strangers.

“If you were a little kid at a parade, and another little kid was sitting beside, and you got a bag full of goodies and they didn’t-”

“And the little kid wanted a piece of candy from your bag since they didn’t get one-” April jumped in suddenly and I glared at her.

“And they asked for your bag, what do you do? There are three choices: one, hand them the bag for them to pick out they want. Two, give them half of the goodies in your bag to be fair. Three, dump everything out for yourself and hand them the actual bag. What do you think?” I looked at this man excitedly, knowing he would pick the right answer. He seemed like that sort of thinker, and I realized he looked about my age, maybe a few years older.

“I suppose that depends.” he murmured, obviously actually thinking about the question. “You said the children asked for the bag, not a piece of candy.” I nodded quickly, smiling, and April sighed and nodded her head slowly, she knew he would pick my answer. “Well then, if they just ask for the bag, I would just give them the bag.” I laughed and brought the stranger into a hug.

“Finally!” I exclaimed, jumping back and pointing at April. “That’s 10 quid for me and 15 for you!”

“Why did you have to pick that one?” April questioned the man.

“Because it was a logical choice... is it a big deal or something?” I was almost confused by how this man was really that curious about it.

“When we were younger,” I began the story. “our parents took us to a Halloween parade. April, here, got scared when the haunted house float came by. She started crying and ran away.”

“Don’t make me sound like a total sissy, we were four!”

“Right, anyway, while she was gone, a man came by with bags of candy, handing them out to all the children. Since April wasn’t there, she didn’t get one.”

“I still can’t believe you weren’t scared, though, Susan. Every child was cowering by their parents.” April giggled quietly.

“And what did Susan do?” the man asked, listening to the story.

“She walked up to the guy with the Scream mask and asked if he knew how to fly a spaceship!” April kept giggling.

“I was four!” I exclaimed. “Mum raised me on bedtimes stories about the time-traveling box, so I thought the guy was an alien. Anyway, when April came back from crying, she saw everyone had a bag with goodies in it. I think she was jealous and sad. She came up to me and asked for the bag, though she says now she really just wanted the whistle. I guess I thought more logically than others, because I dumped everything out and handed her the bag. She cried more and we became best friends. Now, she bet me that more people will agree with her than me, 5 quid for every person. I’ve already gotten two, while she’s got three.” I smiled brightly and brushed my black hair out of my eyes. As my story went on, the man’s face drained of color, until he was staring at me like a science project. “Are you alright, mate?” I asked.

“What? Yes, I’m fine, but I have a question of my own for you. What’s your parent’s names?”

“Oh, well, my mum’s name is Rose Tyler since her and Dad never got married. Mum won’t tell me dad’s name, but my stepdad is related to my dad and his name’s John Smith. Why? Is it important?”

“I just thought I knew your parents, that’s all. That would make you Susan Tyler, then?”

“No, actually. It’s just Susan. My mum wanted me to have my dad’s name, so that’s what’s on the birth certificate, but no one has ever told me what it is. I go by Susan Smith, I like the sound of it. Oh! That reminds me, I have to get home. April, you coming?” I asked, kind of creeped out by the way this guy was staring at me.

“Yeah, hey!” she exclaimed at the man, who was turning away. “What’s your name then?”

“My name?” the man looked thoughtful for a second. “People call me, the Doctor.” With a smile, he walked off in one direction, while me an April walked in the other.

“Did you see that?” April asked. “He went white as a sheet when you mentioned the time-travelling box. Do you think it’s the guy your mum is always talking about?”

“I know it is.” I smiled brightly and started running home, knowing April would be right behind me.

*The Halloween story is true, it happened between me and my best friend. Anyone can keep going with this. I start school in two weeks ssay "boo" with me... "BOOO!!!!" ok bye

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