Multiple Personalities

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AUTHOR NOTE: So... sorry about the break and the depressing-ness that was the last thing I posted. I've been going through some stuf, but a friend is helping me. Anyway, I realized that I wouldn't have any time to write anything tomorrow, so I copied and pasted something that I made a while ago. I know, it sucks.

 “Why are you here, Vicki?” The man sitting across the table asked, glancing down at the clipboard.

“Cassandra turned us in.” She shrugged like it was nothing, but kept a watchful eye on her new psychiatrist. “Where's the sexy guy that usually talks to me? I would love to have that.” Vicki smiled predatorily and licked her lips.

“Paul was reassigned. Why did Cassandra turn you in?” He wrote something down on the paper on the clipboard.

“She thinks I killed two people. What's your name?”

“Kyle. Why would she think that?”

“Because I felt her do it!” she yelled, and then tensed up as she glanced around wildly.

“I assume I'm talking to Cassandra now?” Kyle wrote something else while she fidgeted around in her seat.

“Yes, Vicki is letting me talk.” Cassandra nodded and flexed a little bit. It felt nice to be in control of her body for a while.

“How does your flip-flopping work?”

“When one of us wants to be in charge, we push the other one out of the way. If we try really hard, the other one can't come in, but it takes a lot of effort... especially for me because she's so strong.”

“You say you felt her kill two people, but here it says you usually see what she's doing. What happened that you couldn't see?” Cassandra was watching Kyle warily, he seemed to actually want to know. It scared her.

“Sometimes, when she does something I don't think she should do, she knows I want to be in charge and she shields my eyes from the real world. I can still feel and hear, though. I heard their screams and felt the blood slide through my fingers.” She grasped her hands tightly as they had started shaking.

“Alright, that's our time for today. I'll see you soon.” Kyle stood up as the guards grabbed her arms and started pulling her out.

“Not soon enough.” Vicki commented with a saucy laugh and a wink as she was led back to isolation.

“Do you think she deserves Level One yet?” The man on the other side of the window asks.

“No, not until we find out what really happened.” Kyle answers, walking out of the room also, deep in thought about Vicki/Cassandra.

“Okay, I have an idea!” Kyle exclaimed at their next session. “Cassandra, I want to talk about any pent up rage or aggression you had before Vicki showed up. Vicki, you can only cut in if you're sure she's got it wrong. Is that all right?” They nodded and Kyle sat back with his clipboard and pen.

“When I was younger, whenever I got mad, I would kick whoever made me mad.” Cassandra shrugged when Kyle chuckled.

AN: Ta da! I need more sleep.

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