David and the New Actor

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*Anyone can continue this story if they want. Please tell me if you do because I really want to see where you can go with this. It's David Tennant/OC so yeah.

I've lived down the hall for David Tennant for over three years. We were neighbors, not exactly friends, but friendly. What do expect from people who are thrown together in an apartment? Anyway, we met on the day I moved in. Of course, I knew he was a famous actor, but, being American and not an avid movie watcher, I had never seen anything he was in. I met the whole building that day, there was a small get together and I didn't talk to him much after that. Then, two years ago, there was a big power outage throughout the entire building. Random apartments were losing their electricity while others remained unaffected. David's flat was one to go out, and for some reason, he decided to show up at mine until the power came back on. 

It was a nice night. We learned a lot about each other, including that we both loved Doctor Who. I told David that since he was already an actor, he would be picked to get into the show way before me. He countered that I seemed like a good liar, and that that's all acting is. I shrugged and the topic moved on, but what he said stuck in my head long after the lights came back on.  

I decided to try acting-sudden, I know-but since I was very young the spotlight called to me. From the day I could talk I worked in every theater I possibly could, always getting the best role possible. After that night, David and I became almost best friends, we talked everyday-nonstop. During my shift at the diner I worked at, my coworkers were always catching me texting when I should be waiting on tables, but I really didn't care. Also, David helped me find an acting school that was within my budget so that I could perfect my acting abilities. 

About seven months ago, David got a letter in the mail. He got an audition for the main character of a new TV show written by some guy named Russell T. Davies. I wasn't sure why that sounded familiar, but I wished David luck and went about my day. 

Over a month went by until he got the call that the position was his. For some reason, David wanted me to go with him when he met Russell, something about moral support. 

When we got there, the biggest surprise was waiting. David was the new Doctor on Doctor Who! We were both excited and couldn't stop from squealing. I gave him a hug and congratulated him, and Rus-as he wanted us to call him-asked who I was. David avidly introduced me as Rebecca Goodling, a new actress. I scoffed at him, saying that I didn't even do anything, but he insisted I was brilliant and his best friend. Rus looked at us with a weird expression and we bade him farewell. To celebrate, we went out for smoothies, donuts, and whatever else the person behind the counter would sell us. That included a fire extinguisher, which I'm not allowed to talk about according to the paper I signed.

He went away to tape the next season, and promised he would get me on set sometime. When he came home every other weekend, we would practice the script. His companion so far was Rose Tyler, and I was surprised she lasted so far. She wasn't exactly the smartest girl on the planet, with the wondering off and all. This next episode was going to take place in New Earth, and unfortunately, Lady Cassandra O'Brian was coming back. We were rehearsing the scene where Cassandra was in Rose's body and kissed the Doctor. Although, I hadn't read that far ahead yet, so David knew what was happening, but I didn't. The kiss came around and we stared awkwardly at each other. 

"Should we..." I gestured between us. 

"Umm, well, uh, if y-you want." David floundered. 

"Don't tell me that!" I laughed, "It's not really wanting... plus, I'm not sure if I can-" I glanced at the script and giggled again, "launch at you like a horny teenager."

"It does not say that!"he looked intently at the page in his hand, "IT DOES!"then we both burst out laughing and ended up on the floor. After just laying there for a few seconds to calm our breathing down, David helped me up and we just sort of stayed there, staring at each other. Deciding to finish the scene, even though it wasn't really on my mind, I launched myself into his arms and our lips collided. 

Sparks went through my body and I pushed myself closer. The world seemed to stand still as David bit my lip, seeking entrance which I readily gave. His hands moved to my hips and we stumbled backwards to my couch. We fell onto it, and pulled away to giggle. I ran my fingers through his hair and

*I know, stupid way to end it, but I just didn't know where to go with it.

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