The Thunder

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This is a Thor thing that I meant to write two days ago, but I was too tired. Then, yesterday I went to the beach and today I watched a lot of TV.

The weatherman said it was supposed to rain today. Just like he said it yesterday, and the day before, and the entire summer. It still hasn't rained and I'm getting annoyed. It usually doesn't rain much where I live in Winslow, Arizona anyway, but the weatherman didn't have to get my hopes up like this. (Yes, I looked up a place without a lot of rain, sue me)

I love the rain, don't ask me why, and I've waited all week for it to happen.

I glanced up from my book for the fortieth time today to look outside. I sighed, it was still sunny. Standing up, I let the book fall to the floor-I couldn't remember the name of it if I tried. I walked outside to stand on the porch, turning my head from side to side to see if there were any clouds. None, I sighed again.

Suddenly, I froze. I sniffed the air and started smiling. There was rain coming. I was about to run back inside to change, but then looked down and realized that a tank top and shorts is probably perfect to wear in the rain.

I gazed up at the sky, wondering where the rain clouds were, when they appeared out of nowhere. Literally. One moment, a clear sky, and the next, clouds as dark as night grew out of thin air. It started raining cats and dogs just a few inches away from my perch inside the doorway. Thunder rolled in just as quickly. It would've taken all of my willpower not to run around, so I did. 

The rain felt like heaven on my skin and the thunder sent chills down my spine. I'd waited two months for this, it was so worth it.

I got this feeling, like someone was watching me, so I turned around and looked up into the bluest eyes I'd ever seen. The smile slipped off of my face and my guard went back up, this guy had no right to be watching me.

"Who are you?" I asked him, having to crane my neck to look at his face. I was really short, hardly even 5 foot, and this guy was at least 7 feet tall. It was unsettling.

"I am Thor." He answered in a deep voice. I almost laughed, but caught the sincere look on his face and decided not to.

"Are you the God of Thunder?" the cold rain was starting to affect me, goosebumps erupted on my skin.

"Yes. Who are you, if I may ask?" 

"Allie. Allie Stevens." I stuck my hand out for him to shake and almost started laughing again when his giant hand dwarfed mine. "Why are you so angry?" he gave me a confused look, so I gestured to the thunder, lightning, and rain. "This wouldn't be happening if you were happy," I pointed out, "so what's wrong?"

"Loki, my brother, is being a nuisance. He keeps playing tricks on everyone in the palace. Whenever I try to confront him he throws the adopted excuse in my face." (I'm gonna go with Thor has been on Earth a few more times to visit Jane, so he better understands the way people talk)

I sighed for what felt like the millioninth time tonight before I answered. "When was the last time you told Loki you loved him and that he is your brother?" Thor shrugged and I scoffed. "Do you think he knows you love him? He obviously doesn't see you two as related, but if Loki doesn't know he is considered part of the family, he won't let you talk to him."

"So... I have to show my brother that he is family?" I nodded. "How do you know these things?" he asked in awe.

"I spent two years that I'll never get back studying to be a psycologist. When you leave, how long will the rain last?"

"Not very long." He looked around for a moment before speaking again, "Would you like it to keep raining?"

I nodded and smiled brightly, "Yes, very much! Now, go. Your brother needs you."

Thor nodded and disappeared. I finally turned my attention back to the rain and started laughing. I spun in circles and felt free-er than I had in ages.

For a few moments, the lightning grew brighter, the rain fell harder, and the thunder seemed louder. Then, it all ended just as quickly as it had began and I started my trek inside, wondering if I would ever see Thor again.

 I have a sequel sort of thing in mind, but my laptop is about to die, so it'll show up sometime. Um, yeah. I go back to school in one week and three days, so ugh. Bye peeps (and I do mean the marshmallows).

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