Love is Blind, Even For Witches

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“How come every single guy I’ve dated in the last hundred years has turned out to be bastards?” Casy asked her best friend, Nick, as they shared a beer on a night out.

“I.D. please.” The bartender told them as he snatched up their drinks.

“Give us the drinks back.” Nick glared at the bartender, who suddenly gasped out in pain.

“Fine, fine.” He wheezed out and put the drinks back. Casy laughed and slapped Nick’s arm playfully.

“That was so mean, but thanks.” The two were always misjudged because of their appearances. They were both witches from the 17th century who froze themselves at twenty. It was funny how many people actually noticed the difference. “I thought he was an actual good guy, but then he dumped me.”

“You’ve got me, forever and always.” Nick smirked even as jealousy coursed through his veins. He has loved Casy their whole lives, but she swanned after guy after guy, always getting bored with them or getting dumped. Why couldn’t she see that the guy for her had been standing in front of her the entire time?

“Too true. I’ll drink to that.” They clinked glasses and drank in silence.

One hour later, neither could see or think straight, but that gave Casy an idea for a game. “Let’s play; On Your Mind. You say exactly what you’re thinking the moment it’s your turn. Nick, go first.” Nick floundered for something to say. “Erh! Time’s up! Bartender’s turn!” She turned to the man with excitement.

“I hope someone kills me.” The bartender mimicked shooting himself in the head and Casy giggled.

“Casy, your turn.” Nick cut in. She shut her eyes and spoke.

“I’m waiting for Nick to notice that I’m waiting for him to make the first move. I’m tired of all of these weirdo guys when he’s the one for me.” She opened her eyes to see Nick staring at her with wide eyes. “Nick, you.”

“I love you, Casy.”

And then, in an act of madness they would both later blame on the alcohol, they were kissing. It was over 100 years in preparing, and fireworks went off immediately. “I love you too.” Casy murmured when they came up for air.

“Really? I didn’t think you’ve ever thought about me like that.”

“How could I not? You understand me better than anyone.” And they kissed again. The two lovebirds wrecked havoc on the world for two more centuries before turning in the towel of immortality and getting married. They now live in a mansion with their five kids, who are all witch/wizards. The family religion is still going strong.

*If anyone wants to write something about the two centuries, be my guest, but this part is mine.

For people that don't know, summer homework sucks. :(

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