You're not what other people think of you (Marcel/Punk!Louis)

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Yeaaah you see, a new Oneshot!!! 

Enjoy, I hope you like Marcel/Punk!Louis :)


You’re not what other people think of you

Marcel the geek boy, the nerd, the invisible student with glasses, too big for his face and wearing clothes looking they were worn by his grandfather before. The one, who sits alone every day at lunch, the one with no friends. People just come to him when they need him, mostly for homework, for their own good. He always helps them, because of his good heart and because of the fact that he can’t let people hanging.

But he never hears a simple “Thank you”. As long as someone would give him a thankful smile, he wouldn’t mind, but no, even that is too much for them.

Marcel could say something, that he isn’t worth it to get used by them but when he has enough of their treatment, he says nothing, because then he thinks that he would make everything worse.

He is in this station where he doesn’t have friends and gets ignored by the most people, but he doesn’t get bullied. To keep it short, he’s there but no one sees him, as if he’s a ghost. So if he doesn’t “help” his classmates and make their work for them, that they get good grades, he’s sure that they wouldn’t leave him alone and start treating him like a worthless piece of shit.

So it became more and more to a tradition that he goes into the school’s library after his classes and that there would wait a few people to give him their homework. Then they go and leave him alone. And while they have a relaxing day with their friends, Marcel sits in the library until he gets thrown out by the librarian at eight in the evening.

When he steps out of the school building it’s almost completely dark outside, showing that the first snow of this year will fall soon.

Marcel doesn’t like the dark, especially in a town like this, where the streets are dead as soon as the street lights shine in a dirty yellow colour. He almost runs home, his eyes scanning his surroundings and his ears keeping attention on every single sound. He’s breathing heavily, his hands curled up to fists tucked in the pockets of his old jacket. It seems like the twenty minute walk from school to his safe home is endlessly long at nights.

When he turns right into an empty street, where a few light bulbs from the lamps don’t even work anymore, his heart skips a bit. A group of boys around his age, probably a bit older are spraying some graffiti on a big wall, drinking beer and smoking cigarettes. They don’t see him at first but when he’s about to turn around, to take a different way home, one of them starts shouting something at him.

“Oi!! What are you doing here little boy??”

With that, Marcel has all their attention on him, they walk up to him and then he realizes how tall and muscular they are. Even if he tries to run away, they would catch him and he wouldn’t have a chance to escape.

“Don’t you find your way home to mummy?”

“Are you even allowed to be outside at this time of the day?”

One of them is puffing the smoke of his cigarette in Marcel’s face that he starts coughing and his eyes fill up with tears.

“Awww look at him, he starts crying.”

“What a faggot. I wouldn’t be surprised if he listens to some girlgroups and bubblegum pop.”

They start insulting him more and more. Yes he is gay, but because of the fact that no one is interested in him, no boys and no girls, no one really knows. His hands start shaking. He hates yelling, dumb laughter and when strangers insult people, it makes him angry and for once his shyness doesn’t affect his thoughts.

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